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With Yoongi moving out recently to his new apartment with his boyfriends, Jungkook begins to feel lonely and finds it hard to get himself adjusted to the new emptiness without his share of cuddles. Being suddenly introduced to the empty nights cuddling his cold, squished pillow doesn't assures and gives the same warmth which was given to him by Yoongi.

One of these days he comes across an App that offers exactly what he is in need for right now and that's where Taehyung comes in light.

What Jungkook didn't know was that he was in for more than just cuddles.

It starts just with some texting which turned into cuddling.

The cuddling then turns to attraction and well-

The rest is-

You will find out soon.

"I like to be the little spoon" He mumbles shyly.

"That's even better because I absolutely love being the big spoon" The other smiled, not hesitating to show his happiness.

"I wanna hug you so much" And that's all what was needed, a kick for the canoodle.

And that was how Jungkook was caught canoodling with Taehyung.

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