(18) Silk sheets and paints

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Taehyung was curled up in various mismatched blankets on Jungkook's velvet sofa, wrapped up like a burrito, with tufts of messy black hair being the only sign of his presence. Two vivid hazel eyes sleepily watched the TV as he sunk further down into the squishy cushions. Jungkook's sofa was pure heaven.

Taehyung would put the couches' exceptional comfort down to the equally exceptional price tag, but he knew better than to assume price meant comfort. In his parents' house growing up, the overpriced furniture had a strong comparison to contraptions of torture, his back had forever been cursed to a fate of discomfort.

Maybe the cosiness of the sofa was down to the owner. Jungkook. He did have great taste in anything he bought, especially his plush bed, which was always covered in malleable silk sheets. Although Taehyung may be biased, his favourite thing about that bed was the person he woke up next to in the morning.

He often found himself sleeping over at Jungkook's apartment, both men wishing to spend as much time together as possible. It was the obvious choice out of the two apartments, considering Taehyung's came with the added presence of Namjoon and Jin.

He often came over to Jungkook's in the late afternoon, after the younger was finished with his artwork for the day. They had fallen into an easy domestic routine of Taehyung cooking for them both and Jungkook joining him when he returned from work at the art studio. They would eat dinner together, twisting their feet together under the table and sipping at Jungkook's wonderful collection of alcoholic beverages.

To Taehyung's delight, they had even acted out one of Jungkook's fantasies one night on the living room bar. Taehyung had teasingly taken him apart over the sleek marble counter, relishing in every single noise of pleasure he managed to draw from the younger man. Taehyung had been thrilled by the turn of events when Jungkook had let that little fantasy slip.

The warmer weather of spring had started to fall upon the city, marking the passage of months since Taehyung and Jungkook had become a couple. Taehyung smiled softly into the fluffy fabric of the blanket, the strands tickling his nose as he shifted. The past few months had been the happiest of Taehyung's life, he and Jungkook were going strong, he had even given Taehyung a key to the apartment not long after their 'first' night.

A quiet 'woof' roused Taehyung, he looked down to see the Bam peering hopefully up at him on the wooden flooring. He shifted and patted the sofa, a clear indicator that the dog was welcome. The floor must have been cold, and Taehyung didn't want the small dog suffering on the unforgiving surface. Jungkook adopted Bam a few months back, he and Taehyung had gone together to the animal shelter for it. Bam was only six months old and he was already big enough to knock Taehyung or Jungkook off on their butts. 

He felt the light pressure of four paws on his chest, whiskers tickling his face as Bam sniffed him inquisitively.

Hazel eyes rolled fondly, and the uppermost blanket was lifted so that the spoiled dog could settle in between two fluffy layers of warm blankets. The dog woofed happily, kneading his two front paws into the blanket as Taehyung soothingly stroked the dog's back.

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