(15) Dance with me

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"Don't look at me like that" Jungkook murmurs.

Strings of fairy lights twinkle and their glow spills over intertwined silhouettes. Taehyung hums, swipes his thumb against glossy lips, sticky and smeared with syrupy raspberry. Their eyes meet and despite being shrouded in shadows, Jungkook can make out the dreamy fondness that glitters in those eyes, glittering even brighter when his mouth brushes against pale fingertips. 

Taehyung stares up at him, coyly suggesting in the lashes that sweep against the slope of his cheeks. grins at Jungkook, lazy and brilliant, with a challenge hidden in that slow smile. 

"Hmm and how's that Jungkookie?"

"Like you want to kiss me" 

Taehyung leans forward, elbows stained a faint red from digging into velvety couch cushions. catches Jungkook's wrist. 

"Hurry up you've yet to finish your sketch" 

Everything's tinged in the pink of a spinning luminescence, like the delirious feeling of being soaked in sunlight, like the laughter that fizzles and explodes within his chest. It leaves Jungkook with a startling ache that twists and singes in his chest. 

And it's been months since Taehyung stared at Jungkook, months since Jungkook blinked back at him, throat rippling with his longing and knuckles pale around a plastic cup. Since then they've established something, which mind you Taehyung really doesn't know how to describe at all, but it's an affectionate gauzy warmth that settles in the heartbeat distance between them. 

Neither of them really pay attention to the finer details.

Not when Jungkook's eyes blaze with a reverence that's reserved for Taehyung and Taehyung's kisses stain a violet-red-citrine against the hollow of Jungkook's throat.

So Jungkook laughs, lowers his gaze to the sketchbook lying in his lap- blotted with a faint outline that's long been forgotten, before it flickers upward again and his mouth curls into that pretty half smirk of his.

"Does that mean i get a kiss afterwards"

"Just hurry up Jungkook-ah" Taehyung repeats. 

He cards his fingers through strands of his hair then falls back against the couch, voice nothing but a whisper. 

"Hurry up"

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

Lightning crackles in the window panes of his apartment. its brilliant white streaking across charcoal and amethyst tinged skies. 

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