(20) Two hearts in love

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

11 o'clock on Wednesday nights is fuzzy socked toes, the cold side of the pillow in contrast to the warm weight on his chest, its lights still on and not a single thing in the world that could compel him up from whose he is to turn them off, eyes fluttering shut with them still on, and a reminder that Jeon Jungkook is in love with Kim Taehyung.

"It's your turn"

"No it's not"

"I did it yesterday"

"No, I definitely-" Jungkook starts, brows scrunched in thought.

"Did you?"

"I did, I got up and turned the lights off yesterday, so it's your turn" Taehyung hums, wraps the blankets up tighter around him.

"I'm not moving"

Jungkook concedes with a playful huff, and gently begins to shift his weight over and out of the bed, but the blanket burrito boy stops him abruptly.

"No wait, don't move"

"You just told me it was my turn to shut the lights"

"Yeah but" Taehyung sighs, sleep as heavy in his voice as the weight of his head on Jungkook's chest.

"I'm so cosy"

"You're ridiculous"

"I'm happy"

For as many hours in the day that are full of things to do, papers to grade and groceries to shop for, shirts to iron and places to drive, these are the hours he gets like this. Nothing to do but stare at the ceiling, or the lights he should have turned off sooner, or the love of his life falling asleep in his arms.

It feels silly sometimes, when Jungkook really stops and thinks about it, that this is all he needs.

Logically he knows a lot of these things in the world a person needs to live. But if you were to ask him right now, he's not sure he could come up with anything other than Kim Taehyung.

He watches Taehyung's eyes flutter shut, feels him grip his waist a little tighter than see it, because Taehyung is almost entirely consumed by their fuzzy grey blanket, counts each deep breath he takes that makes Taehyung's head go up and down with it. Taehyung's breathing starts to even out.

It's dark outside but Jungkook feels light all over, traces patterns on whose he thinks Taehyung's shoulder is underneath his mountain of blankets, takes to writing messages like 'I ♡ U' instead of mindless swirls too if he can get his mind to concentrate on it longer than the time he dedicates to falling a little more in love every second. A feat he was always sure was not possible, and yet.

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