(17) Made for each other (M)

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"So then we'll go to your room" 

Jungkook heard Taehyung voice out. He let out a squeak as he felt Taehyung's arms lacing around his waist and under his knees. The older male lifted his lover up, bridal style, and carried him up to the doorway.

"H-hey! I can walk up there you know!" Jungkook protested. His lips formed into a soft pout, as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck for support.

Entirely smug, Taehyung leaned in to tell Jungkook. 

"You'll need your energy"

Jungkook had turned his gaze away. He felt every bit of his face and body burning up at the words and their insinuation. Taehyung gracefully took Jungkook up the few flights of stairs. His movements were quick but entirely careful as well. Jungkook smiled as he looked up to see a matching pout on Taehyung's lips. It seemed they were both equally eager to be closer like this.

Finally, they approached the door that led to Jungkook's room. The older male was quick to close the door behind himself. He reached behind himself and locked it.

At their newfound privacy there was a burning, almost a light within Taehyung's eyes. Jungkook felt his heart pounding against his chest. Taehyung brought them over towards his bed and placed Jungkook down gently upon it.

Taehyung smirked down at his love.  

"Taehyung" Jungkook called out to his hyung, with some urgency. To be fair, he did want to feel Taehyung against him, and now!

Taehyung shook his head affectionately and pinned down the younger male onto his bed. He took a few seconds to appreciate the beautiful sight of his boyfriend, panting and reddening upon his sky blue blankets.

Finally, they would become one.

Jungkook didn't know what came over him, whether it had been his own emotions or instincts, but he found himself reaching to pull Taehyung on top of him. His cheeks were bright pink and he could hear himself breathing harshly with need. Before his mind could process anything further, hands were caressing up and down his sides. Jungkook looped his arms around Taehyung's neck and pulled his love on top of him.

The elder's eyes were sparkling with a brightness that easily beat out the stars they saw before. Jungkook couldn't help but feel a bit glad such a look was privy to him only. That as well as the hooded and darkened glazed expression that followed.

"Jungkookie" Taehyung breathed out. 

His tone was husky and low as he claimed Jungkook's lips again. The latter hadn't felt like backing down, even if it meant doing something that wouldn't exactly look dominating. The younger male slid his hand down towards the centre of Taehyung's back. He took the opportunity to lean back towards the mattress and guide his boyfriend with him.

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