(2) Brownies

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

The doorbell rang, interrupting Yoongi's stirring within his meaty concoction he was whipping up for dinner. Before he could go, he heard the door being opened by Hoseok. He quickly turned the heat off and wiped his hands on the kitchen towel before approaching the door. 

"Hyungie" A squeal was heard as soon as he walked in the living room. 

Yoongi smiled and opened his arms for the younger one to dive into and he did, Jungkook was happy that he was finally seeing his hyung after a rough week. 

Yoongi heard what Jungkook couldn't seem to say. He always knew how to read the boy ever since forever. For someone who appeared stoic and apathetic to so many people, Jungkook was actually quite expressive. He just didn't express himself with his words. Besides, the hug alone spoke volumes. 

Jungkook wasn't usually one who performed or engaged in physical affection. Growing up with Yoongi, his only family, one quickly learned that physical affection was dangerous. It was a tool to manipulate or believe a threat. It created vulnerability, something to shun and bury deep. 

So for him to hug Yoongi,

"I missed you"

Jungkook smiled but stayed silent, but the squeeze that Yoongi got in return proved that he was on the right track. Still it was a marvel that Jungkook allowed himself to show this vulnerability in the first place. 

The years away from the cutthroat and ruthless environment of their childhood to climb the tower with friends had softened them somewhat. Jungkook slowly removed his arms and stepped back just far enough to give the illusion of personal space, but still within arm's reach. 

The dinner went by like usual, it was after that when Hoseok went out, he needed to run some errands and Jimin went to take a shower

"Alright. Follow me" Yoongi stood up suddenly and Jungkook tilted his head in mild curiosity, but followed without protest. 

"Where are we going?"

Yoongi gave him an amused look.

 "The kitchen. Do you remember that time you and I made brownies?"

"Then we're making brownies?"

"Yes" Jungkook's eyes lit up, but his tone remained unaffected as he gave his acknowledgement. Yoongi didn't call him out on it and merely enjoyed his brother's quiet glee.

Yoongi closed the cabinet door after setting the mixing bowl on the counter. 

"So that's all the ingredients and supplies. Do you remember the recipe?" Yoongi asked as he rolled his sleeves up and glanced at Jungkook.

Jungkook shrugged.

"I remember some, but not everything"

"That's fine. We'll do it together" Yoongi smiled deviously and lowered his voice. 

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