(14) Friends

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

The rain tapped against the window in time with Taehyung's heart. Droplets slid down it in the same fashion that a warm fuzz washed over his skin.

He was sure that the rain was too loud for Jungkook to hear his heartbeat, hammering away in his chest, but surely he could feel it.

His ear, afterall was lying across Taehyung's sternum. 

They were lying in bed, mismatched quilts around them, doing nothing more than watching the waterfall out of the grey nothingness outside and hit the glass of Jungkook's bay window. They could have sat over there and pressed their foreheads against the glass, could have turned their heads and softly, wistfully, smiled at each other from mere centimetres apart.

But they hadn't. Because when Jungkook had gone to the corner of his room, Taehyung had sat on the end of Jungkook's bed.

And then Jungkook had come over and pushed him back, cuddled into his side, and put his ear right there. Right against Taehyung's heart.

So it beat away, and they watched the rain, and they listened to the quiet musings of Jungkook's latest find.

It seemed befitting that they'd lie here listening to it, almost as though Mother Nature had seen Taehyung on his old motorcycle under the trees on the Lane and decided that she'd help him along, giving him a perfectly good reason to wind up tucked away in Jungkook's bedroom. She'd close up the skies and smatter Taehyung's cheeks with kisses of fine rain, telling him to hurry to Jungkook's before the thunder came. 

When he'd finally made it to Jungkook's apartment, a brick house with colourful, overgrown flowers everywhere, hanging from the house in planters, growing into the cracks of the footpath, creeping up towards the windows. Taehyung quickly parked his motorcycle and Jungkook had opened the door with a smile. The same soft smile he gave when they'd first met.  

Taehyung's eyes refocused and caught on the white glow of clouds outside. Jungkook shifted against his chest and tucked an arm around his stomach.

Taehyung ught it with his own hand, carefully laying it across Jungkook's forearm.

It should have felt strange, too intimate, too romantic for anyone else's liking. But that's just who Jungkook and Taehyung were. They were 'friends' who hugged and who cuddled and kissed. Whose glances and touches maybe held a little too long, but friends nonetheless.

Only friends.

Yeah, friends

It had been easy for them to fall into their roles, where the space between them only existed when they weren't alone, that's just who Jungkook was. He was cuddly and affectionate and Taehyung was simply happy to be along for the ride.

And they were just too shy to do anything else. So far.

They talked about their preferences with cuddling, when they first cuddled. 

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