planning day

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They stayed in the same position for at least 30 minutes Jessica started to kiss Sarah on her neck and ran her tongue over her tender spot Sarah laugh moving her head to give her more access she kissed her again then she cuddled up with her resting their bodies the wind breezed through Jessica's hair. Sarah kissed her forehead and they fell asleep neither really caring who saw them like this Sarah woke up and tapped Jessica gently telling her to wake up they both went into the house to put on clothes Danny's truck had pulled up he jumped out and walked through the front door then up the stairs "I see you two are up from your cat naps" Jessica turned from the window to look at him "why didn't you wake us " she said reaching in for a hug. "You looked so peaceful I didn't want to ruin it " he said leaning down to kiss her lips "well ...let's go we don't have all day here we need to plan out and search for the dresses and I'm buying the rings " Danny said walking out the room and down the stairs Jessica walked down the stairs in her white dress and Sarah came down after in her blue dress with her hair curled and Jessica had her hair into curls set beautifully Danny opened the car door for the two beautiful women they both say in the back Danny pulled off and there was a long silence until Sarah broke until conversation "we can't even wear the rings out can't we just announce this?" "no Sarah"Danny said "why not it's not fair that we can't do this cause you say so" Sarah said in a annoyed voice "Sarah its not just because of him this could ruin our careers " Jessica said Sarah sat quietly she could feel the rage growing inside of her Jessica saw the look on her face and and a tear fall she wiped it away and grabbed her hand and sat it in her lap and whispered to her "it'll be okay....I know how you feel stay strong for me" and Jessica turned the other way when they arrived to their destination they all walked into the dressing store she pulled Danny to the side and talked to him "Danny you need to take it easy on her she can't deal with you continuously pressing her buttons"Jessica said trying to keep her voice down "she doesn't even like me she hates me cause she think I'm trying to get to you I'm not gonna let her take you away and that dicussion was nothing about dislike and like it's about our careers something we need unless you wanna work at a gas station"Danny said looking at her with a frown "Danny what's wrong"she knew something was up with him "why am I spending all this money marrying a women who doesnt even care for me"he said pushing his anger back inside "Danny she does care it's just...she has a hard way of showing it" Jessica said under her breath "not so much with you" he said walking away. They looked around while he went outside to take in some air Sarah called him in there he thought something was wrong when Jessica walked out she looked absolutely stunning "so...what do you think" "you look like a queen" he went up to her an kissed her she tied her arms around his neck "this is the dress" Jessica said. When they carried it up to the register it was 4,000 dollars Danny pulled out his credit card and swiped it all they were waiting on was Sarah when she came out Jessica's face brightened her body fitted perfectly in the dress they were done shopping for dresses then they went to the wedding designer shop they picked out red and white roses and the theme was black and white time was flying and they had one more place to go to and that was the bakery shop to make them this huge cake when they got back home they all were exhausted they fell asleep instantly

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