*4 years later*

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"Mom!!"Janice ran to her mother her long blond hair flying everywhere. "Mom! Watch this" janice flipped across the room and jumped into a sքʟɨt Jɛssɨċa sʍɨʟɛɖ at ɦɛʀ aռɖ ɖɨʀɛċtɛɖ ɦɛʀ tօ ċօʍɛ tօ ɦɛʀ աɨtɦ ɦɛʀ ɨռɖɛx ʄɨռɢɛʀ sɦɛ sat օռ Jɛssɨċa's ʟaք sɦɛ աas ռօtɦɨռɢ ɮʊt ʟɨɢɦt աɛɨɢɦt Jɛssɨċa աɦɨsքɛʀɛɖ ɨռtօ ɦɛʀ ɛaʀ "ɖօռ't ɢɛt ċaʀʀɨɛɖ aաaʏ աɨtɦ ռօt ʄɛɛɖɨռɢ ʏօʊʀsɛʟʄ ɨts ռօt ɦɛaʟtɦʏ" ʝaռɨċɛ ʟօօҡɛɖ at Jɛssɨċa աɦɨʟɛ sɦɛ աas sքɛaҡɨռɢ sɦɛ ɢaʐɛɖ at ɦɛʀ aռɖ ʝʊst ʟɛt tɦɛ զʊɛstɨօռ ʄʟօա օʊt "ɨs saʀaɦ ʍʏ ʍօʍ?" Jɛssɨċa աas sɦօċҡɛɖ at ɦɛʀ զʊɛstɨօռ aռɖ tօօҡ ɦɛʀ ʟɨttʟɛ ɦaռɖ ɨռ ɦɛʀ քaʟʍ "I'ʍ ʏօʊʀ ɮɨօʟօɢɨċaʟ ʍօtɦɛʀ " ʝɛssɨċa saɨɖ "ʍօʍʍʏ?" Jaռɨċɛ saɨɖ ɨռ ɦɛʀ զʊɨɛt ʋօɨċɛ "ʏɛs ɦօռɛʏ?"
"Wɦat ɖօɛs ɮɨօʟօɢɨċaʟ ʍɛaռ?"
"It ʍɛaռs tօ be related by blood to put it in better words I am your real mom but she's your mom when I die" jessica said
"Mommy don't say that"she hugged her tightly
"Someday mommy is gonna pass away and you be strong okay?always remember you'll have family the twins are your family shura ...it'll be fine and when its your time I'll see you in paradise a beautiful place with beautiful people filling a kingdom and I'll be waiting for you I'm getting old you know I am old!!!" Jessica laughed
"You don't look old you're pretty I wanna look like you" Janice's head fell jessica lifted her head looking into her big blue eyes "you're beautiful and your smile is filled with more love than people have in their entire body
"I love you mama " she kisses Jessica's cheek the twins run down the stairs they had become so sporty all three Janice played soccer and part time cheerleader faith a basketball player and joined the math club Savannah ran track and a honors student in math and Spanish and knew three different languages japanese,French and Arabic.They were extremely advanced to be their age "mom we're going to take a run!!" They ran out the front door "be back before the sun goes down"
"Yes ma'am!!" Faith yells closing the door behind her "where did the kids go" sarah asked Jessica "they went for a run god their growing so quick" Jessica said almost tearing up but not letting a tear fall "you're so strong I love you hun" sarah kissed her Jessica whispered to her "take care of janice when I leave" Sarah's face went back and she stared at her "I promise I will"she hugged her
*******************************Story ends up getting really sad don't get mad at me

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