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They pulled up at the gate and entered the code to let them selves in They got out Jessica stumbling over Sarah Danny put Jessica over his shoulder and Sarah unlocked the door he laid her on the bed and took off her clothes leaving on her lacey panties and bra she turned over and laid on her side falling asleep
Next Morning
Jessica had woken up to the sun hitting her in the face. She looked out side the sky was blue the sun was bright perfect day for maybe a barbecue she went down stairs and grabbed two pans then walked back up stairs she looked at Danny and Sarah with their bodies tangled up together she positioned the pans and smiled BANG BANG BANG!!!!! She smashed the pans together waking them up "what the fuck" danny said whiping the sleep away from his eyes Sarah clenched on to Danny her hands against his chest. "I want to have a barbecue in the back yard"Jessica said looking rather innocent "ughhh jess im tired baby just get back in bed"Sarah said turning the other way . "But I'm already up" she said using her puppy dog eyes Sarah lifted herself up and leaned her head against the dashboard "Fuck you" Sarah said putting her head in her hands "I'm watching the clock but my schedule is a bit tight for that maybe later on tonight?" Sarah started smiling she got up loading clothes in her hand and went pass jess grabbing her ass "I'm gonna take a shower"Sarah said turning on the water Danny threw on a black shirt that had a white polo symbol on it and a black pair of shorts . "well damn you're sexy now go fire up the grill I'm gonna put on some clothes and head to the store to buy drinks and a few packs of ribs" Jessica put on a red sundress that showed off the side of her leg and put on some white flats and her hair straight with a swoop (she looked sexy as usual)she walked outside "Danny have you seen my keys?" Danny turned around "fuck you're hot" she walked up to him pushing her hair behind her ear looking down she whispered in his ear "kiss me Danny" he kissed her lips making it last for a long time Jessica put her arms around him and pulled away "I love you" she said "I will always love you Jessica"Danny said Sarah came outside her sunglasses on and her red and white dress on with her red flats showing off her sexy legs "well damn you two are looking amazing today"Danny said "danny.." Jessica said smiling "huh?" "I need the keys" "oh" he said digging in his pocket searching for the keys he put them in her hands and watched as Sarah walked along with jessica walked off "I love the way you walk ms.Paulson"he said grinning she turned around and blew a kiss to him They got into the car and Jessica sped off "damn jess slow down the store isn't going anywhere"Sarah said dialing Angela's number *answers*
"Hey Sarah "
"Hey angela"
"We're having a little party at the house gonna stop by?
"Of course let me just put on some clothes and I'll be there"
"Ok hun see you there"
*hangs up*
"Hun?"Jessica says glancing at Sarah then back at the road
"Oh babe don't tell me you're jealous now." Sarah says biting her bottom lip "of course not"Jessica said smiling
Sarah reached over and kissed her neck sucking lightly at it she went lower right before the collarbone "Sarah stop we're gonna have a wreck if you keep doing that "she went up and started kissing her jaw line jess turned to kiss her lips still glancing at the road Sarah moved away picking up her phone "hello?oh hey Lily no of course you can come bring taissa ok byee love you"Jessica rolled her eyes and found a parking spot Jessica got out the car her hair blowing in the wind Sarah hugging her from behind. "Mmm babe you smell good" Sarah said letting in her scent
Sarah followed jess around like a lost puppy "oh my God Sarah just go get some drinks or something " Jessica said smiling at how much Sarah admired her. "God I'm sorry jess you're just extremely sexy" she said slightly grabbing her butt and walking towards the drinks she grabbed two cases of sprite and coke "is this enough ?" Sarah asked "yeah"jess said picking up the packs of ribs "put this in the cart and we can go" she paid the cashier and put the groceries in the car driving off they pulled up at the house and They brought the groceries in. "Hand me the ribs"Danny said Jessica put them in his hands and they walked outside and Jessica and Sarah relaxed sitting in the chairs Jessica couldn't help but sit there and look at Sarah and a thought stretched her mind as she saw Sarah laughing and begin typing on her phone what's so fuckin funny. She didn't say anything cause she knew she was over thinking and acting as a bitch she went into the house and grabbed a glass of wine her phone started buzzing "hello?."
"Jess open the fucking gate I forgot the code" "ok" jess went outside and pressed the code angela and Kathy were in the car "jess you look sexy!"angela said driving by staring at her ass Jess looked at the ground and began blushing Kathy and angela jumped out of the car angela wearing a white dress with golden heels and Kathy wearing black flats and a black top with white pants "angela you looking amazing as usual"Jessica returned the compliment she opened the door letting them in grabbing her wine of the counter then walking out to the back yard "hey Danny you little sexy beast"angela said hugging him walking over to Sarah "Sarah!!"she said pushing her over sitting next to her in the chair "hey sexy!!"she said hugging angela just then everyone else just happened to show up Lily taissa gabby and Alexandra pull up then Emma and Evan and finally Ryan after a while angela turns on a radio and puts it on 101.1 "After Party" comes on the radio and angela starts to dance with her wine in her hand Sarah walks over and playfully dances on her Sarah goes behind her and wrap her hands around her angela leans her head on her shoulder and laughs Jessica was with Danny and he had his hand around her waist as she flipped the burgers she turned her head and they began kissing when the song ended.SWV came on "weak" angela and Sarah slow danced laughing as she spun angela around then came in holding her in her arms angela whispered in Sarah's ear "I'm drunk as hell right now" and she started laughing someone had caught her eye it was Meryl again "hold on"Sarah said pausing angela and her dance she walked over towards Danny and Jessica who still had their lips locked together "what the hell is she doing here?" Sarah said trying to keep her voice down "I invited her " Jessica responded returning to the kiss Sarah stumped her foot and pouted "but I don't like her" Jessica and Danny looked at her "sarah stop acting like a little kid" "she put her hands on you" "we didn't have sex Will you go get me another glass of wine?" "jess I think you've had enough 3 glasses is enough you need to slow down" Sarah walked away Meryl grabbed her arm as she walked by "get off of me" she said pushing her arm away "sorry I just wanted to say hey" Meryl said "there's a thing called waving" she said sitting down in her seat beside angela calling over Lily. Lily sat on the edge "come up here" Sarah said "there is no room though" she responded "sit in my lap" "I don't think jess would like that" she said giggling "she'll be fine I'm sure she doesn't mind you're just a friend" with that Lily climbed on her sitting on her lap laying back. "Well cushioned" Lily joked "your butt is smushing me" Sarah laughed " Foods Ready!" Jessica called out Jessica brought them plates trying not to fuck Lily up for getting all over Sarah they all sat down eating and Lily begin to speak "damn Sarah your pussy is comfortable"she smiled and winked Sarah but her bottom lip and smiled back "you know what I'm gonna..."

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