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Danny covered her mouth before she could finish her sentence. Jessica got up from her seat and walked into the house grabbing her fourth glass of wine "jess stop"Sarah said pulling the glass out of her hand "you little bitch why are you so sexy"Jessica said Sarah could smell something other than just wine on her breath "what is that whiskey?"Sarah questioned Jessica tried to avoid the question looking away Sarah grabbed her face locking her eyes with hers "are you ok?" Sarah asked "I'm fine!"Jessica said grabbing the glass "DON'T!!....don't lie to me Jessica" Sarah said trying to calm down her tone "dont yell at me sarah" "fine" "I don't like what you did out there allowing her to sit on your lap now you wouldn't like me hugging and nuzzling Meryl would you?" Jessica said sipping the alcohol "SHES JUST A FRIEND!!!"Sarah screamed with a angry expression at her response "now you said you weren't gonna yell at me"Jessica said smiling she could tell the alcohol was getting to her. She went closer to Sarah putting her head on her shoulder then pushing her off "I'm going to bed "Jessica said walking up stairs with the whole bottle of whisky she chugged half of it down Sarah hung out the door "hey guys Jessica's just a little intoxicated " everyone started back talking to each other she ran up stairs and pushed the door open Jessica lie on the floor sobbing Sarah grabbed her legs and her back picking her up laying her on the bed Sarah traced the hair out of her face and kissed her lips and pulled away "why are you angry?" Sarah asked confused Jessica didn't say a word she turned her head trying not to look at her let's see how long she can keep this up Sarah thought to herself she got on top of Sarah putting her knees on either side of jessica she began kissing her neck sucking at her sensitive spot she felt Jessica shiver at her actions Sarah kissed down the middle of her chest and on to her stomach stopping at the top of her panties she went down and breath hot air through the thin lace she moaned at her remark and clenched the bed sheets damn she's gonna drive me crazy Jessica thought Sarah knew exactly what she was doing she pulled down her lace panties and threw them across the room she kissed her inner thigh close to her center but trying to tease her Jessica pulled her head up to her center she was soaking wet Sarah licked her clit and sucked on it Jessica gasped pulling her hair Sarah added a finger while licking her bundle of nerves she tightened herself around Sarah's finger she could feel her ready to release but she was holding it in she licked her clit and stared up into her eyes "let go" Sarah said going back to her work Jessica couldn't hold it any longer she came in Sarah's mouth letting out a loud moan "ohhhhh!fuck!" Jessica back arche rising off the pillow and falling back down she felt amazing and fell asleep after Sarah pulled the sheets over her naked body then walked back outside "well that was quite the racked"Kathy said laughing Sarah looked up and saw that the window was open she laughed and sat back in her seat next to angela "well well well you smell like whiskey and Jessica"angela said laughing after a while of talking and laughing everyone left and it was just Danny and Sarah cleaning up the mess "is she okay?" Danny said breaking the silence "she's angry with me but I made her forget all about that "she said winking and biting her lip Danny laughed and picked up the cans "angela is amazing"Danny said "yeah she really makes people happy but I know that jess is going to have a huge hangover so prepare for that cause she drunk half a bottle of whiskey in one gulp"Sarah said Danny shook is head and they went up stairs to rest their bodies "goodnight"Sarah said but Danny had fallen asleep in one quick second.

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