Silent Agreement

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Classic sat at the barstool of Grillby's, another Sans next to him. Rane had never seen him before. He was aware of the others, Classic had brought many here. This one though, he didn't seem to enthused about. The Skeleton beside Classic looked like him, just like all the others but he held no sort of expression in his smile. Black leaked from his sockets and onto the countertop. A red 'target' hovered in the center of his chest, gently illuminating his black shirt and blue jacket. His shorts were white with black stripes rather than black with white stripes and he wore actual shoes rather than slippers. Classic kept glancing wearily at the other. He was obviously bothered by this new guy, so why bring him here? Rane sighed and walked over to Classic, his own expression telling all Classic needed to know. "nah, it's fine buddy. killer here is new to undertale. i'm in charge of keeping an eye socket out for him is all." Classuc sighed. "but you know how i am about work.." He leaned on the bar as Killer watched. Rane quirked a brow. "are you asking?" Classic asked, slightly surprised. Rane nodded. "... well then. i guess i'll be seeing you tomorrow." Rane put some cash on the counter and walked out.


"who was that?" Killer asked. "that was rane hansen. since we made it to the surface he's become as much a regular as me here." Classic replied, looking back to the deadly Skeleton. "how did you know what he was saying? he didn't say a word." Killer commented. "heh. you know me. pretty good at reading people." Killer tilted his head. "is he your friend?" Classic went dead quiet. "he's an acquaintance, questions like that are prohibited killer. this is your only warning." Killer went silent himself. "what did he ask?" Classic narrowed his sockets. "you'll see tomorrow. grillby, put this on my tab!" Classic slid off the chair. "we are leaving now?" Killer followed behind the original. "yup. taking a shortcut." He grabbed Killer's arm. "you no longer want me interacting. you think i am planning something." Classic wasn't gonna lie. "yeah, pretty much." They disappeared from the bar as Classic took Killer to his place. Papyrus had since moved into a college dorm so it was a good place to watch Killer and keep the others out of harms way.


Rane wasn't a small man. He was tall, well built, and looked pretty rough around the edges with his messy raven hair and stubbly chin. Despite appearances though, he was a shy and helpful guy. So when Classic started talking about watching his counterpart, Rane had offered to do it without even thinking. His apartment was tiny, nowhere the little guy could hide and he didn't seem particularly interested in running. No... it was more like he was biding his time and waiting for someone to come for him. Rane was strong. He could fend off attackers. Though he didn't really like hurting people.. not unless absolutely necessary. It was rarely ever necessary anymore, he didn't have much to protect in the big city. His family were country folk. He'd moved to the city for a fresh start. These days though, it was simply going to that bar to help Grillby and other monsters and humans there out. He rarely interacted with Classic before he offered to help. He didn't know why, but it just seemed like... Killer needed his help. What from, he didn't know, but he was gonna learn tomorrow.

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