Biggest Place Ever Seen

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The humans of the group gawked at the eerily beautiful castle before them as the boys sighed in relief and happiness. Oh how they'd missed home with its dark purple with cyan swirled patterns and dark artifacts, it WAS quite the sight to behold. Killer took Rane's hand. "this way, i can show you around later, if..." Rane nodded in understanding. Killer didn't know if he could continue to trust this Nightmare guy or not. It didn't help that Killer didn't have Bun with to relieve his anxiety and stress. Rane picked his small boyfriend up. "Lead the way, Kills." Killer's grip tightened a tad. "go straight and take a left at the second hallway." Rane followed Killer's directions, but the deep he got, the more he wondered. "How freaking big is this place?!" It was easily the biggest place Rane had ever been in and he was beyond lost. Killer still somehow knew where he was going though. "Oh my stars, how can you know where you're going?" Killer shrugged. "take a right and we'll be there." Rane veered right, finding Lilly and Taylor in the living room. Not long after Rane got there, Izik and Error joined them.


"So is Nightmare still your 'King'? He said it was a self proclaimed title, but you still plan to follow him?" Lilly asked what all the humans have been wondering. "... it depends.." Killer replied. Rane gave him a sympathetic smile as he thought of something he thought Killer would like. "i-i wi-ll, s-so lo-ng a-as he le-av-es yo-u a-l-l be." Killer nodded. "and if we get to make our own choices. i don't want him controlling my emotions... again." Rane hugged Killer close. "I won't allow that, Baby Bear." Everyone was thrown off by the nickname. Killer included. "Wait- why Baby Bear?" Taylor asked. Rane grinned. "Cause Killer reminds me of a little bear cub, cute but deadly if messed with."
"and by that you must mean that you'll fuck up anyone that messes with him." Horror mused. Rane's grin widened. "Exactly." Izik snickered. "Look who's finally warming up to us, nice of you to join the party, Rane, we missed you." The guy rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, Izik." Izik stuck his tongue out at Rane and Error tried to grab it. Izik yelped and slipped it back in his mouth. "Ok, that was gross to watch." Error chuckled. "p-pro-babl-ly-y won-t be th-e wor-st thi-ing you-ve se-ee-en tho-ugh."
"... true."


After awhile everyone was being brought to a dinning area. "Seriously, how big is this place?" Rane whispered to his Baby Bear. Killer was still blushing about that. "it was constructed of nightmare's magic so its as big or as small as he wants it to be. in other words, it literally changes size depending on how long he actually wants to walk."
"That's totally unfair for you guys." Rane complained. "eh, we have shortcuts." Killer nuzzled into Rane's shoulder blades. "i like it, by the way. baby bear... it's nice." Rane smiled contently. "That's good, I'm glad." There was yet another new guy there with a suit and fedora. Killer turned blue at the thought of seeing Rane dressed up like that. Killer gave his attention to Nightmare as they started to talk about old times. This was good... Nightmare was good.. Rane smiled as Killer started to join in on the conversation. Killer seemed happy and that, in turn, made Rane happy.

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