Sleeping Together

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Killer gasped awake, beads of sweat dripping down his skull as he squeezed the nonexistent life out of Bun. The nightmare had left him feeling uneasy and scared, with more than a little regret burning at his soul. He untangled himself from his blanket, liquid hate was running fast down his face as he went to check on Rane. Killer sighed with relief, relaxing as the pounding in his soul started to calm itself. Until Rane's voice startled him. "Have another nightmare?" Killer jumped, clutching Bun all the closer. "what... what are you doing up..? It's one in the morning." Rane grinned sleepily. "I predicted the future and waited for you to check on me." He teased. Killer chuckled quietly. "you noticed i've been checking up on you.." Rane pointed at the ground. "You tend to forget the obvious trail your tears make." Killer wiped his face quickly. "oh, sorry-" Rane picked himself up from the couch and Killer found himself being lifted up. "Let's go back to bed pal, sleep is important." Instead of tucking Killer in though, he flopped onto the bed, snuggling close to the Skeleton. Killer's face grew hot. Was this really happening?!


Killer slept well the rest of the night. He felt safe and calm. He thought it was a dream at first, there was no way Rane would ever- but arms were around him, holding him close in a firm embrace. Killer opened his sockets to confirm... he was cuddled into Rane's chest, the latter fast asleep as his chest moved up and down to match his breathing. It soothed Killer and he smiled, a blush present on his face. Rane had actually SLEPT with him last night. Stars, did that mean something? Did Rane like him? Killer nearly groaned, why did emotions have to be so complicated? He looked up at Rane's peaceful face. Killer loved it. He snuggled deeper into Rane, a ghost of a smile appeared on the man's lips. Killer smiled again, closing hid eyes. He could live like this. He liked this. He could... fall asleep...... to this......... Killer drifted of again, greedily eating up Rane's attention and cuddles.


Rane habitually pulled his 'cuddle pillow' closer to his chest. Rane was very much a cuddler, he knew it. What he didn't know was that he wasn't cuddling a pillow. Not until the pillow mumbled incoherently, nuzzling it's face into Rane's chest. Rane nearly freaked out realizing that it was Killer he was cuddling, red coating his face as he blushed. He didn't want to wake the little guy up though. So he laid there, cuddling Killer and trying to remember how they got to this point. He vaguely remembered getting up from the couch at some point. He'd assumed it was for a bathroom break, but clearly not. Killer mumbled again, lifting his face from Rane's chest. He blinked his dark sockets at Rane, his face getting increasingly more blue. Rane was in much the same state though, so he supposed. "Uh... good morning."
"i think i love you." They stared at each other, Killer realized what he said. "oh shi-" He disappeared leaving Rane in a state of shock. "W-wait what..?" That was a thing now. Something they would DEFINITELY have to talk about. First he had to find Killer though.

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