Killer and Rane's Daycare

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There was no buns in the oven yet, but a third child WAS added to the mix. Fierce, Horror and Taylor's Skeleton child. Fierce wasn't the... easiest... to take care of. For one, that brat had had one hell of a bite. She was the loudest too. She fought against everything, making anything they did impossible. Especially when the other children were around. "oh stars... i'll be needing a break when this is over.." Killer complained as Rane nearly had a finger taken off trying to give her a teething ring. "Can she take off fingers?" Killer shrugged. "she's horror's kid so... probably. how about i handle her, at least if i lose a finger i can pop it back on." Killer demonstrated, making Rane cringe. "Oh please never do that again, that's scary man.." Killer chuckled apologetically. "think of it as payback for the shit you told me." Rane sweatdropped, but it was a fair statement. "So I take care of these two, and you get the full time job?" Killer nodded as he made an 'i'm watching you' gesture to the child. She seemed to openly accept the challenge with an almost evil grin.


It was on. Rane had a great time with NJ, who was trouble, but otherwise not difficult to take care of, and the angel that was Iris. Killer... not so much. "you suck the nipple, you do not bite it!" Killer had already been through three bottle nipples trying to feed her a magic formula. They glared at each other for a moment before Killer started to chuckle. "this is so juvenile, kid. how about we make a deal, ex-murderer to future one? you work with me here, and i'll..." Killer held out Buns, who the child had been eyeing for quite awhile. "tempting yeah? you can have him every time you visit if you simply behave." Fierce seemed to grumble as she complied with Killer's demands. "Did you seriously just negotiate with a baby?" Rane asked, trying not to laugh at Killer as his cheeks turned blue with embarrassment. "sh-shut up mama bear! it worked, didn't it?!" He sputtered. Rane pressed a kiss to his little Skeleton's skull. "Yes it did, Baby Bear. Good job." Fierce made a gagging noise as the other two babies giggled.


The children had been picked up by their parents, leaving Rane and Killer to relax for the night. Some movie or another droned on in the background as Rane relaxed on the couch and Killer relaxed on Rane. Rane had his hands wrapped around his little boyfriend and his chin on his Baby Bear's shoulder. "Enjoying the movie, Kills?" Killer hummed. "yep." He answered with a slight bored tone. "Wanna do something else?" Killer flipped around in his lap, raising a curious brow. "like~?" He probed. "Oh, I think you know~" Rane kissed Killer, then trailed kisses along his jawline and vertebrae. Killer ported them to the bedroom to continue their activities.

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