Moving Again

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Nightmare woke Killer and Rane up and gathered them with everyone else into the room. "i have an announcement. we will no longer be living here in the castle. i'm taking it down as soon as we settle in our new home." Everyone looked at Nightmare in surprise. "What?!"
"where are we moving, boss?" Dust asked. "with the star, er, ink and dream?" Killer asked. "well, dream will be there." Nightmare said. "y-ye-ah.. i-i am go-ing t-to the a-an-nti-voi-oid." Error grabbed Izik's hand and they left. "is it that bad to live with my brother..?" Nightmare asked. "Nah, I just don't think Error wants to face Ink yet. Where are we living now?" Sidney asked. Nightmare opened a portal. "see for yourself." The group walked through, gawking. "b-boss... what is this place?"
"welcome to dreamtale!" Dream replied for Nightmare. "Oh my stars! Is that.."
"the tree of feelings, yes." They all started at a full grown tree, now growing gold and black apples. "how much magic did we pump into that tree?!" Nightmare asked. "more than enough, apparently." Dream replied, smiling wide. "welcome home, everyone." Nightmare gestured towards the once burned down village. The brothers had rebuilt it for everyone to live in.


Rane and Killer started their search for a house immediately. They wanted first pick before everyone else. "There's so much to choose from, I wish this place had a site to look at pictures of the place or something." Rane joked as they poked around one of many homes. "this is dreamtale, nightmare and dream's home. we were told it died out five hundred years ago." Killer explained. "Wait if it died out, why is it here?" Rane asked. "i guess they revived it with their magic, i assume you weren't listening?" Killer raised a nonexistent brow to Rane, smirking. "I'm sorry for enjoying a beautiful view." Rane scoffed light-heartedly. "how dare you, i thought i was a beautiful view." Killer joked. "Who says I was talking about the outside?" To that Killer hid in his hoodie. Rane laughed. "I sure hope that Night will let us bring our stuff over once we choose a place though. It would be nice to not start from scratch." Killer whined from under his hood. "... i'll ask nightmare.." Rane decided to cut it with the flirting for now.


They were glad to get back to their old/new place. Killer hadn't been so happy to have Bun at his side. Rane and Taylor got the couch, Lilly brought the coffee table, Dream and Nightmare got the tv stand, Sidney the tv itself. That was just the living room. Killer got the dishes from the kitchen, Dream got the stuff under the sink, Horror and Taylor got the table, Dust and Lilly the chairs, and Sidney got the microwave. Rane got the crap on and under the sink for the bathroom while Killer got the curtain and shower stuff. The ex Murder Time Trio got all the clothes and drawers from the bedroom while Rane and Nightmare got the dresser, the girls got the bed, and Dream got whatever was in the closet. Soon, their house in Dreamtale was all situated and perfect. Rane and Killer loved it. "So..." Rane turned to the others. "Who's next?" Horror's hand shot up.

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