Movies and Magic

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Killer made the first move the next day that Rane came to pick him up. "good morning rane, are we watching more movies today?" The Skeleton looked up at the human. "Good morning Killer, sure if you want." Classic's jaw nearly dropped. Rane hardly ever spoke and it had been very little when the big man had. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for him to shirk his responsibilities onto Rane..? Because he wasn't really sure if this was a good thing or not. Killer had already hopped out of his stool, and stood in front of Rane, looking up at the man. "See you later to drop him off, Classic." By the time the words registered in his mind and he could tell Rane he changed it, they were already out the door. The trip was silent again, which didn't bother the boys again. Killer looked up at Rane again. "will today be the same as tomorrow?" Rane spared a quick glance at Killer as he watched the road. "Most likely." Killer nodded and turned to the road himself and watched everything whisk by as he waited for Rane's apartment to come into view.


Out of the car and into the small space the two went, Rane once more pulling out his movies while Killer took a seat on the couch. They flipped through the movies until they decided on Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron next. Rane popped in the movie and settled beside Killer. The latter made a little more room for the former, otherwise they both turned to the movie. This one was curious. Killer seemed to know exactly what the horses were saying even if they couldn't actually speak. It sparked... something in Killer that he couldn't understand. Something warm. He liked it. What was the word to describe this movie and the others he'd watched yesterday? "what is the descriptor.." As if reading Killer's mind, Rane gave an answer or two. "Wholesome? Magical?" Killer looked at Rane, raising a brow. "magical?" Rane chuckled. "The term I'm referring is beautiful or delightful in such a way as to seem removed from everyday life." Killer hummed. "i prefer wholesome since i am magical in the literal sense." Rane blinked. "I'm sorry." Killer gave him a confused look. "what for?" Rane rubbed the back of his neck. "That was probably offensive.." Killer shrugged. "not really."
"Can I see it? Your magic?"


Killer stared holes into Rane who stared back without a hint of regret. He was curious. "You can say no, I won't be upset." Rane said quickly. "no, no... i can show you. i just was simply... caught off guard." Killer held out a hand and a small bone appeared in his palm. "It's tiny.." Rane hadn't seen magic in action before. It was very interesting to see the real thing. "A lot different than the movies, hm?" Killer nodded as the little bone disappeared. "i would like to see movie magic and compare." Rane chuckled. "Alright buddy. I'll find something for you." Rane flipped through the movies until he came across what he thought would be a good comparison. Fairy Tail. That movie/anime was full of all sorts of different magic. While that was in, Rane had to go make lunch. It was getting to be that time and he was hungry. Killer probably was too. Rane got out a pan and a pack of chicken nuggets, preheating the oven to its set temp. He hoped Killer would like chicken nuggets. He put the pan in the oven and just as he closed the door, there was a crash from the other room.

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