A Stranger

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The got the house. Some how out of the many applicants that applied, the big man and the little Skeleton got the house. Packing was easy, Rane nor Killer had all that many things to begin with. Except the furniture, it all fit into Rane's car. They started with the moving truck of big items, the bed, the couch, the stand that the TV was on, the table, coffee table and chairs. Even a new recliner Rane got for free for precious snuggling moments with Kills. The drive there was fairly short, maybe ten minutes, before Rane got out, collected Killer onto his back, and started moving stuff inside. Rane had just started carrying down the recliner when a voice stopped him. "Hey gentlemen? Could you come with me a sec? A friend of mine wants to talk to you." Rane stopped and looked down at the recliner he was hauling into the house. Then he looked at Killer in silent question. Neither of them had seen this darker toned blonde before. "... i.. guess.." Killer agreed wearily. Rane put down the recliner, following the stranger off to an alleyway, stopping at the entrance. "Don't worry, it's not much further. He's unarmed and so am I." The stranger pulled at his pockets. "why should we trust you?" Killer asked, still weary. "You're a ex-murderer. You could kill me before I could try ANYTHING." So they followed for a little longer, until they saw him go through the portal. "that's..." Killer jumped off his boyfriend and followed the stranger through, Rane following his lover.


Upon entering, a new voice came to Rane's ears. "so wait, you are really going against nightmare?" A Skeleton looking similar to Classic asked. "i w-ill i-f i mu-st." The glitchy black Skeleton replied grimly, only to be snapped out of it as the stranger spoke up. "I'm back~" The black Skeleton grinned. ("you're doing great, amare..") "y-ou-re do-ing gr-eat, ama-re.." He praised, as the stranger kissed him. Killer's jaw dropped. "Time to get Horror." Amare stated. ("i'm scared. i don't want him hurting you..") "i-m sc-scar-red. i do-n-t wa-nt hi-m h-hur-rtin-g y-ou.." Amare patted his skull, the black Skeleton tried to swat him away. Amare escaped easily. "I'll be ok, Erry. We trained a long time for this, I can finish it off with a bang." Erry complained, but Amare wasn't hearing any of it and finally got him to open the last portal. "I'll be back, safe and sound." He promised as he walked though. ("you better be..") "yo-u bet-ter be.." Rane was so beyond confused.


It wasn't long before a third Skeleton with a hole in his skull and another man joined the party. "i can't believe you're with a human." The Classic lookalike said, finally. ("i could say the same for you all.") "i-i cou-uld sa-y th-e s-ame f-for y-ou a-ll." Erry replied as he absent-mindedly sewed a doll. "that is true." The injured Skeleton agreed. "what comes next?" It was a good question. Rane looked to Killer who gave him a reassuring smile. "They can't stay here, Erry. They haven't lived in the Anti-Void like you and I have." Amare pointed out gently. Erry put down his sewing stuff. ("i know that. we can't keep to the original plan either, though..") "i-i kn-ow th-hat. we-e ca-n-t k-ee-p to th-e o-orig-ginal pl-lan ei-the-r, th-ough.." Amare smiled lightly at his presumed boyfriend. "Relax, we will figure something out."
"maybe i can help you?"

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