New Home

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Rane, Killer, and Classic entered Rane's little apartment with Killer's things in tow. "you fixed the tv." Killer noted immediately. "I replaced it." Rane replied, carrying a bag of Killer's clothes down the hall. "i can't take your room."
"You can, you'd be more comfortable in there plus I think Classic would feel a little better."
"i would." Classic chimed in. Killer sighed quietly and wandered to the couch, putting down Bun in favor of flicking through the movies. He picked out Homeward Bound and proceeded to turn on the TV, DVD player and slide in the disk before settling on the couch again with Bun in his lap. Classic raised a brow. "Kills likes my movie collection. Just... no more Fairy Tail for him." Rane replied as he came out. "gotta say, your place is... smaller... than I expected." The original Sans commented as his eyelights flickered about. "Yeah, it's served well. I'm thinking of uprising though if I'm going to be having more people over." Rane responded thoughtfully. "Kills, would you be up for helping me find a new place? Somewhere where we can both have our own rooms?" Killer nodded immediately. "i'll keep an eyesocket open for ya." Classic winked before disappearing.


Two dudes are sitting on a couch. Sound like the start of a joke? It's not. Killer and Rane were sitting on the couch, searching for a new apartment. "there's not many options."
"It's not that time of year where everyone is moving around, there won't be many options. We will have to make due with what we got." Rane patted Killer's shoulder. "Something within my price range will open up eventually and we will leap at the opportunity." Rane passed Killer the computer. "Why don't you do what you want on that while I take a shower. Of course the tv is open too and the kitchen.. sorry I don't have much else." Not that Killer's complained any. "have a good shower, rane." Killer watched the big man leave the room before clicking on a new tab and having at it with the computer. He checked out Classic's Undernet profile, double checking to see what was up with the world. What he wasn't expecting was to find a coded post, no doubt from someone in the Multiverse, saying that Nightmare had escaped. Killer looked back down the hall.


Now he understood Classic's sudden need to remove Killer from his house. It would be the first place the others looked. Having him with someone nobody knew would make more sense, but in doing so that made Rane a casualty and that scared Killer. Nightmare, Error, the boys, they'd kill Rane in an instant and the thought alone made Killer's messed up soul ache. Rane couldn't die, he didn't want Rane to die. He liked Rane, he... loved(?) Rane...? Was that right? Killer had felt many things since meeting the man. He was still trying to untangle them all, but was love really one of them? He couldn't be sure. "Kills, you ok?" Killer dragged his sockets up to see a shirtless Rane, hair still dripping with excess water, with a towel around his waist. Killer blushed immediately. "fine-" He choked out, ducking behind the computer and closing the tab. "you should change-" Rane nodded. "Yeah, you just looked a little stressed and confused? I don't know. I was checking in." Rane disappeared down the hall again, leaving Killer alone once more. Whether he was in love or not, he wasn't going to let Rane die. Killer was going rouge.

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