Then There was Two

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It wasn't long after Nightmare Jr until another child was born in the shape of a little human named Iris. She was Dust and Lilly's daughter and an angel despite both parents issues. Rane and Killer jumped at the chance to watch her. Why not? They already watched NJ on a daily basis, why not gain another baby to keep an eye on? Thus there was two in Rane and Killer's place. Killer found out quickly that human babies were considerably harder to take care of than Skeleton babies. There was the constant dirty diapers for one. He had no idea why humans had such a function in the first place. Rane had told him it was to clean out waste within the body. Killer didn't really get it but went with it. Then there was the puking. If you didn't burp her right, she puked, if you fed her too much, she puked, and sometime she puked just because. If he and Rane ever had kids, he hoped it wasn't human. Human children didn't even have teeth! What sort of infant doesn't have teeth?! Rane said she'd get her teeth eventually, which Killer assumed since Rane had teeth. Humans were just confusing.


"w-what do you mean, they fall out? teeth don't just... fall out!" They were still on that particular conversation. Rane looked at Killer in amusement while gently bouncing both children on his knees. "Humans do. They are born with two sets of teeth. Baby teeth, which fall out, and adult teeth which shouldn't fall out if you take care of them." Killer covered his teeth looking pale, if a Skeleton could look pale. "It's completely natural for humans and virtually painless." Rane reassured. "i'm gonna have nightmares for months.." Killer whined, clutching Bun close. "next thing you'll tell me is that humans have acid in their bodies.." Rane sweatdropped. "We do, actually, in our stomach-"
"what?! how are you not dead?!" Great, now Killer was freaking out. "Kills, Kills, calm down! The stomach has a protective lining to contain the acid so that it doesn't hurt us, I'm fine! We're all fine.." Killer started to calm as he gave Rane his attention. "Taylor could probably tell you all the science behind it or whatever since he's a doctor and all. Trust me when I say we all understand ourselves as humans. We're fine."


That was Killer's human lessons for the day. He helped Rane feed the two kids and bathe them before letting NJ climb around and Iris have tummy time. "no offense, but i hope our child is never human, i'd worry too much." Rane blushed when he heard Killer say that. "Our child, huh? Sounds like you've already planned for the future." Killer shrugged. "it's gonna happen eventually. i'll get knocked up and it'll be another added on top of the duo we're already watching." Rane chuckled. "I guess you're not wrong, though I'd prefer not to knock you up until you are ready." Killer deadpanned. "we're already watching everyone else's kids, why not have our own." Rane openly laughed at that. "Touche, touche. One bun in the oven coming right up!" Killer quirked a brow at the metaphor, but decided not to ask. He didn't want to learn any other potentially dangerous human things.

3 chapters left

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