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Due to the way Killer's soul was, they were struggling to have a kid. They'd been trying for a few years now, and Killer was getting understandably upset. It was his fault they couldn't reproduce. Naturally, Killer went to talk to Nightmare about it, the one person he could confide in if he couldn't talk to Rane about it. Knocking on the door, he waited nervously for Nightmare or Sidney to answer the door. It was Sidney who did, the Queen looking at Killer in surprise. "Hey, Killer, come on in." Killer followed her inside, NJ colored in a coloring book as Nightmare read a book. He put a bookmark in and closed it, looking up as Sidney and Killer sat down. "what's the problem killer?" He asked worriedly. "i... i think i'm infertile... we've been trying for so long... and still no results. i don't know what to tell him..." Nightmare and Sidney exchanged a look, the latter getting up so that Nightmare and Killer could talk alone. "having a kid with your condition is like a dice game. It takes a lot of luck to win with how your soul is." Killer looked down. "but... i believe that you and rane can win this game."


Killer thought long and hard on Nightmare's words. One more time. He decided. They'd try one more time, and if it didn't work out, they were going to have to go an alternative route like adoption. "Hey Baby Bear. Sorry it didn't work out again. I was really hoping this time would be it.. and I know that you were too. Are you ok..?" Killer nodded as Rane hugged him, he hugged back, enjoying the comfort he gave. "yeah... i'll be ok. i was thinking maybe try one more time and if it don't happen... there's other options."
"Yeah. Ok, that sounds good to me." Rane agreed. He knew that Killer had been pretty upset when he learned there was still no results to their attempts. He didn't like to see Kills upset. He wanted to keep his boyfriend as happy as possible. They would figure something out either way, he just hoped that this time Killer got what he wanted.


They tried once more and waited for results. A day passed with nothing, three days still yielded no results, five days showed no change. They were loosing hope fast and decided that it was time to look at alternatives until... well, something caught Rane's eye while they were in the shower together. "what's that?" Rane gestured to Killer's soul, the Skeleton looking down to see what his boyfriend was talking about. His sockets widened as he started to cry. "Kills?! What's wrong?!" Killer smiled happily as tears continued to slide down his face, mixing with the water. "th-that, mama bear, is a bonding string... it acts as a detachable umbilical cord for a baby soul.." Rane teared up as well, hugging onto Killer while trying to be careful not to crush the, uh, bonding string. They did it! They finally did it! They were having a baby together! Rane was so excited to be a dad! Killer was so excited to be a mom! "i already have a name in mind too, if it's a boy.."
"Oh? What is it?"

1 chapter left

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