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Classic didn't notice the toy right away, not until Killer was huddled on the couch, clutching it close. "what's that." He was immediately suspicious. He didn't know if Killer was holding a knife close, or a bone and Rane's did soul did seem a little off, calm but a tad jumpy. Had Killer hurt him with it? But Killer revealed no weapon. It was a toy rabbit. A bit scraggly and worn. "rane gave him to me for if i feel panicked again. he has been useful." Killer explained simply, hugging it close. "i feel panicked when i am here." Classic blinked. "why's that..?" He asked, not expecting Killer to say such a thing. "i am surrounded by people i don't know or don't like me. nobody but rane is trying to understand me." His grip tightened on the toy. "he even forgave me when i hurt him and gave me bun.." Classic wasn't sure what to think. "you hurt rane and he gave you a toy." The liquid hate was dripping down faster than usual, his left eyelight flickering dimly. "i don't understand it, i don't understand him, i don't understand this feeling-"
"feeling?" Classic asked.


Silence weighed heavily between the two of them after Killer explained. Classic couldn't believe it. Killer fealt emotions. Not just any emotions, but love. For Rane. Or at least the beginnings of love for the human. Killer was getting better away from Nightmare and with Rane. Just like Rane was becoming more open with Killer around. They were good for each other. Classic HAD made the right choice to have Rane babysit Killer. "well, if you wanna see him tomorrow, killer, you and bun better get to bed bud." Classic finally decided. It's only been a few days, he wanted to see where Killer's little crush, or whatever it was right now, went over the weeks. Killer nodded silently, wiped at the hate on his face, and slipped off the couch and to the bedroom he slept in with Bun clutched close and closed the door behind him. Classic was curious now... as to what they'd been doing while he was 'busy' doing virtually nothing. What did Rane do to have such positive emotion in very few days anyway?


Killer was happy when he saw Rane at the bar the next day. He was smiling, not a blank smile, but a genuine one. Rane smiled back, noticing the toy still at his side. It made Rane even happier. "Has it been useful yet?" Rane ask to which Killer nodded. "my place has been stressing him out apparently, almost tempted to have him stay at your place and just check on you from time to time... what do you think?" Classic looked between the two. "I wouldn't mind, one of us would have to sleep on the couch though." Rane replied. "really?" Killer was borderline excited at the idea. "yeah, really."
"Yeah. It's kinda lonely at my apartment anyway." The hate started to drip yet again, Rane was quick to hand him a napkin. "What is that stuff anyway?" Killer started to clear it away. "liquid hate, from when i was possessed by the spirit of a murderous child." He looked at Rane, who looked sympathetic. "i let them, because i didn't want to die. don't give me that look, i don't deserve it."
"Maybe you do though. The past is the past and you can work towards being better." As more liquid hate dripped down, Rane realized that they... they were acting as his tears. "th-thank you... thank you... th-thank y-you, rane.."

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