Logan Sargeant [18]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltineNew. I hope you like it! Requests are currently open (:


[18]-Text me when you get home safe, okay? Actually, call me.

You stumble out of the bar in which you were drinking in, trying not to fall to the ground and hold yourself up straight on a streetlamp to steady yourself. Everything around you spin, and your vision is blurry when you pull out your phone, ignoring the missed calls on it and clicking more or less precise on the name of your boyfriend to call him.

"Hey Logan." You babble with a heavy tongue when you hear that he has accepted the call and you have to giggle at how funny your own voice sounds to yourself. Leaning against the streetlight to keep yourself on your feet and resist against the urge to sit onto the ground which looks really comfortable in your drunk eyes.

"Are you drunk?" Logan asks, a bit confused because you rarely drink alcohol, and it is unusual for you to get really drunk. "Maybe a bit." You giggle and you are sure that he is not as amused as you are about your current state.

"Where are you?" He sounds worried but of course you don't mind because everything seems to be funny to your drunken mind. With your fingers you piddle on a sticker which someone has stick onto the streetlamp and it feels really fascinating to you how easily it let itself pull off the lamp.

"Somewhere." You kind of sing before you break into another giggle but soon stop because now the sticker is stuck onto your fingers, and you try to get rid of it by shaking your hand which is not really working like you wan to.

"Love that is not funny. Where are you?" You can hear that Logan is pacing up and down in his apartment and you know that he is worried about you. Suddenly your head feels a bit clearer, and you realise that you probably scare him with this call.

"Outside of a bar." You sight while fixating the stars in the night sky. They look so peaceful, something you couldn't really feel in the last few weeks.

"And why aren't you in your hotel room?" Logan now asks you, slowly trying to figure out why you are drunk outside of a bar and not asleep in your hotel room, resting after the rest to feel fit for your flight home tomorrow morning.

"Because I am a failure." You mumble, feeling how your throat tightens and some tears that rise to your eyes. When you are drunk you get quite emotional but since you are already feeling close to tears without alcohol lately there's is not much needed to make you cry.

"Why do you think that you are a failure?" Logan asks you calmy, even though that he is almost freaking out with worry, but he tries to stay calm for you and help you to feel better again.

"Because I am. I disappointed my whole team over the last weeks." You already lost the battle against the tears and just let them roll, wetting your cheeks and make your vision blurrier that it already is.

"You didn't disappoint them. You are still new to the team, and everyone knows that this season is a learning process." Logan tries to calm you and you know that what he says is the truth but at the moment you can't believe that everything goes wrong just because you are a rooky and not that experienced.

"What if I am not good enough?" You manage to say while trying to supress a sob which is about to escape your lips. One of your biggest worries is that you going to be dropped after the season and that all your critics where right with what they have said before the start of the season.

"You are the best. Remember how you have beaten all of our asses in the junior categories?" Logan reminds you and makes you giggle, this time in joy because you remember how sulky he acted the first time he was beaten by a girl but after some time he got used to it.

"There is your smile." You can almost see Logan smile and have to smile too. He always finds the right words to cheer you up again and make everything seem not to be that bad.

"Thank you." You mumble with so much honesty. This was exactly what you needed in this moment and slowly you start to regret the drinking and bathing yourself in misery. "Anytime love, anytime"

"How abut you call yourself a taxi and then cuddle under your blanket for some rest, hm?" Logan suggests after some heartbeats of silence. A quick look on your watch shows you that Logan is right and that you really should be heading back to the hotel as soon as possible if you don't want to get in some trouble with the team.

"Probably would be the best if I do." You agree with him and nod but stop because your head starts spinning and you need to hold yourself on the streetlamp again to keep yourself steady.

"Text me when you get home safe, okay? Actually, call me." Logan asks you and your heart flutters softly because he is just the sweetest and caring boyfriend you could ask for. "Will do." You hum while a smile spreads on your lips, thinking about how you could finally see Logan again in a few days and get a tight hug from him.

"And darling?" Logan says before you can end the call. "Yes?" You ask back, curious what he want to say and have to smile widely when he mumbles the three little words with a big meaning.

"I love you."

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