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It was a rainy day after we came back from our honeymoon. The trip was amazing and if Jungkook is with me then every place is special to me. He is my universe.

After marriage, I decided to left the modeling and started to live a normal life. A normal life with my love and family.

Jungkook started to go to work and everything is going Okey since we were very good. Now it is almost 8 at evening and the time Jungkook is coming back at home.

Since it is raining Appa already went to his room for sleep and me and Eomma was at living waiting for him while talking something random stuffs. I finally started to learn cooking since I wanna be a complete wife and daughter.

"Why is this devil being late today?"

Asked Eomma while I chuckled at the name that she gave him. But I was tensing a little cuz he never been late. It is not like it is too late. It is just a half an our late.

"Maybe he have something important job to done."

I said as she shrugged. Half an hour turned to one and two. But there is no sign of him.

I finally said eomma to go and sleep and I will wait for him that she agreed after defending alot. Finally i am alone in the living sitting in the couch while trying to text him and call him. I somewhat made about 50 missed calls and 100 messages but he didn't replied or took. I got a little bit worried and called hoseok hyung if he is at his. But he also said he didn't came home.

I got really panicked and finally called his secretary Jia but she didn't pick at once. After calling more than ten times, finally she took.

"Hello this is Jeon Jimin."

"I know Mam. Sorry for not picking at first. I was at bathroom."

She was a polite and good girl. Well she is four years older than me.

"Oh its Okey and i called you that I wanna know something."

"Sure Mam. How can i help you?"

"sir Jeon is still at office?"

"No Mam.. he went to home at time. He dropped me at home as usual and went back."

"Oh Okey."

"Is something wrong Mam?"

"No. Nothing. You can go and sleep Jia. Good night."

"Good night Mam."

I hung up and again tried to call him but that is not gonna work.

I still waited for him at the couch and unknowingly fell asleep.

Next morning

I woke up when I felt that something is holding me tightly that is not giving me space to move. The hold was too familiar to me since it was really warming and calming. I opened my eyes to saw Jungkook is sleeping beside me wrapped one arm around my body tightly yet softly.

I figured out we are now at our room. May be Jungkook took me here.

I smiled at his sleeping face but it soon faded away since he came late yesterday and that's Okey if there is any important thing but he could have just told me. But didn't.

Suddenly he started to move a little and i tried to take his hand from me. And I did and walked to the bathroom. I ripped off the clothes and washed my body.

When I done, I put myself into a comforting cloth and walked out of the room before Jungkook got up. But I stopped at my tracks when he called me.

"Where are you going baby?"

I didn't said anything.

"What's wrong love? Why did you sleep on couch. You were at a very uncomfortable position when i saw you. You should have just sleep here."

"Why didn't you took my calls?"

I asked him.

"Did you called me? Yeah I forget to tell you that I will be a bit late since I had a little paper work to done."

"Why. Didn't.  You. Took. My. Call?"

"I said that I just forget."

"Okey then. I am going to kitchen."

I said as before he could say anything i opened the door and ran to kitchen where eomma was preparing breakfast and maids were helping her.

She greeted me as i did the same back.

After finishing, we placed the food in the dining and Appa came to eat soon Jungkook.

Usually I will be sitting next to Jungkook and Appa and Eomma opposite. But today I made a seat between Appa and Eomma.

"Why don't you sit beside me?"

"I wanna sit here so I am. "

"But I wanna be with your side."

"Jungkookah it is not like you are losing her or something. Just let her sit with us. "

He didn't said anything as looked at me with a pouty face But I looked away.

After finishing, he got up to our room and soon i too.

As I was about to enter room jungkook pulled me inside and pinned me to the wall. His eyes were filled with pain.

"Why are you ignoring me like this?"

"Promise me you will tell me if you are going to be late. I got worried alot when you didn't came home at time. I nearly called you more than seventy times and texted you hundred times. You are so mean...."

I said as he looked at me in guilty. An expression that I never saw in him in my entire life.

"I am sorry. I know I got worried you alot. But it was really important and I forget about everything and it is not like I forget you baby. You are my life and everything. As you know, we are trying to conduct another audition to find another model that will take your place. Jia was with me yesterday."

'Jia was with him???'

But she said he left the office at time. Did she just lied to me? But for what?

I somewhat wanted to suspect her. I felt like she lied to me since jungkook never lied to me.

I got enough from his explanation and smiled at him.

"Enough enough kookie....I belive you. Just promise me that."

"I promise you baby. I love you."

"I love you too my bunny."

"I love you more My rose flower."

He then kissed me and I kissed him back. I felt like it is my home. My comfort place. In between arms of my kookie, lips are connected, eyes are closed feeling the feel.

I am now sure that nothing can stop me from loving kookie....he is my love and trust

Or that was an illusion. And the reality is coming in her path. The reality that is going to cross her life and gonna crush her heart like a millions of pieces.


I hope you all like it. 

See you all soon.



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