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The whole people gathered there turned back in shock to see from where did that voice came only to find the blonde haired standing there with tears in her eyes and a little girl who is in her mother's hand looking at those unknown people but started to squeal when she saw her father at the end of the altar looking at them with wide eyes.

Everyone gasped and started to murmur when Jimin ran fasly with the baby in her hand towards the groom and bride. Ellie was raging and Jungkook was having a long debate in his mind.

"She came!!!! Oh my God...our Jimin came."

Jin couldn't help but to squeal like a child when he saw the younger and everyone's expression was the same but only one who had a knowing smile on his face, being proud of his own plan. Well Kim Taehyung never failed in his attempts.

"Don't accept her Jungkookie.....you belongs to me....our baby need you. We need you in our life. I need you. Please don't."


"Please call me Chimmy....your chimmy....please kookie don't marry her. Please."

She was pleading like she never did yo anyone. It was right. She never pleaded like that and now she is even willing to do everything that she can to stop this wedding. Just like everyone wanted.

"Oh now this girl of the hell have the audacity to ruin my special day. You must be dreaming that your melow drama can stop this wedding and make our unconditional love end? Bravo miss Park Ji-min..bravo..."

Ellie was now standing in front of her, making a wall between Jungkook and her, with venom in her voice and look. Ara was still in Jimin's hand and she couldn't understand anything that is happening here but the hatred for the later made her put an angry face and glare at her. She clutched on her mother more tightly and kissed her cheek softly when she saw she is crying.

"Jelly bean come. Let Mama talk with Dada. Appa will hold you."

Taehyung came from the front row and took the baby with him. She knowingly went to him. Jimin wasn't giving attention to Ellie as she was still trying to look at Jungkook whose eyes are now bloodshot, tears are already coming out passing its way to the cheek. She wanted to push that woman and run to him...hold him and stop him from crying she wanted so badly.

"Look Ellie....whatever you've done to ruin our life...I know them all now. I had scene them with my own eyes. If you are still going to act like you love and care for my Kookie then you know me very well."

This time she couldn't help but to react to the later. She couldn't hold back anymore. Already she saw everything and she was regretting to make things this much worse before knowing the truth behind this all. She somewhat made everything worst. That was what she thinking now.

"Oh I know you very well. Acting like an angel and a pure soul and whoring around made baby with who knows whom and putting its responsibility over my boyfriend and trying to steal his money. Such a filthy sl-"


"If you ever try to say something about my love then I won't hesitate to kill you this moment. Enough is enough. I had my limits of you. Just fucking leave from my sight."

The whole crowd started to clap their hands at the beaveness of the brunette who had just now raised his hand to the woman who ruined literally everything in his life. He did never raised his hands to anyone and if it is a woman then it's a big no but what this one who is standing in front of him had done to him was something that the almighty God can't even forgive. She had passed her all limits and she did deserved more than a slap.

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