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Hii my lovely pearls...

It's been awhile since I updated this one and I am sorry for being late. I will try my best to update soon and soon. Well as you all know I told that we reached more than half of the story and now we will be having less than 16 chapters. Um...I am also sad that I will end this story this early but I am writing new stories right? And I will always try my best to get new and interesting topics for you.

I don't wanna get you bored.

So here you goo...

Warning ⚠️

Love making.

Innocent people come with me if you don't want to drown in hobi water, let's go and watch run bts episodes...

Come on...



"Ah...kookiee~~~it tickles so much..."

The pink haired was a laughing mess now as her husband was hovering over her and tickling her on her tummy. She was laughing like there is no tomorrow and somewhat felt like she will die if she laugh like this.

"It's oppa for you...my wifiee.."

Jungkook said as kept on tickling her.


Somewhat he decided to stop and sat straight on the bed as the younger used this as a chance and ran out of the room quickly.

It's been only three months since their wedding happened and now the love birds are making their own heaven in the huge Jeon Mansion. Everything was going perfectly and they are so much happy with each other. Each day passing by their love for each other grew big and bigger and now there is no way of falling out from each other. That was how Jimin and Jungkook loved each other.

"Yeah I will catch you later and then I won't be able to stop myself....baby..."

Jungkook chuckled mischievously and stood up to take a shower and get to work. It was early morning and Jimin was trying to wake the older but he wasn't waking up so she hadn't another choice only to pinch latter's sensitive nipples. She knows how he will react with it and succeeded on waking him up by doing that only to get pinned on the bed and tickled like crazy.

"Hey baby~"

Jungkook got ready for the work and headed downstairs and spotted his wife in the kitchen making breakfast for them. Her back was facing him so he made his way to her and sneaked his hand under her night dress making her to flinch under the cold touch.

"Yeah you pervert take your hands away or I will chop it into pieces."

She said more likely ordered to her husband but he knows how to make her submit under his touch.

"But this pervert is your husband."

He said while peppering her with butterfly kisses.

"Kookie I am making food for us. You better keep your hands away from me unless you want to be late for that important meeting you have."

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