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Hii guys....

Sorry for being late in it's update. I was busy with my other books and you all know that that are also my children...I know you all will be waiting for the update so let's go...

Tia's pov( I think you know who is this Tia.)

He was standing in the balcony of his house which is now not seems like his. His home was her. His world was her. His universe was her.

( you...you are my universe...and I just want to put you the first.......sing along with me.)

Within these ten months, he found how much difficult it to live without the certain beautiful girl in his life. He suffered alot for doing this to her...alot....but he wasn't had enough. He was thinking that it will also be nothing if he kill himself for betraying her. Eventhough he didn't did it on purposley.

In these months, Jungkook tried his best to find Jimin but the later never let him to interfere in her life anymore....even for a second. Soon he found that she move with her parents abroad. He let her go but why? He wasn't had an answer for that. Why he just let her go like that. Why he didn't tried his best to get her back? The answer is he was afraid. Afraid of her words. She once warned him if he ever try to come near to her then she will die which is he wanted to happen last in this world.

Afterall he is now a bit relaxed that his love is living but don't know how? Whether she is happy or sad. Whether she is being peaceful in her life without him? He don't know. Only thing he know that she doesn't want him anymore in her life.

He looked up at his phone's lock screen which was his love who is giving her most beautiful smile. He will also smile just looking at the beauty. He will just get the peace only by seeing her face

"Are you living happy baby? I know I was not the right one who can love you and treasure you. But I promise that I did never loved anyone like I did to you. I love you so much not to let anyone in my life other than you."

He put a heavy sigh and continued.

"I know you will probably saw the wedding news of mine and that life wrecker. You must be in pain. I know you were the one who loved me deeply than I did to you but I never showed any impurity in my love for you . I know you will be thinking that I really wanna live with that girl. But I can say you that I don't have any other idea other than marrying her. It is about you. About your safety. I will do anything to save you from this all mess....live happily.....I love you."

He gave the photo a soft kiss as cried silently. He was burning inside to outside.....he was thinking that he can't see her never again......he was sure that they will be connected with heart even after the death apart them. But little did he know that there was some another precious connection that formed between him and his lover.

That was..............

His blood......his own child.....


By Tia

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩Where stories live. Discover now