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How much of you love to study chemistry? In my opinion, it is a better subject.....I don't know how much of you studying it....

I was asking you this cuz today was my chemistry exam.

I am still talking shits right? I don't wanna get you bored. So let's go straight to the story...

Please vote and comment me your thoughts about this book. It wil be so greatful.....

So let's go...

Six months later

Tia's pov( I am Tia)

It's been an year where Jimin's and Jungkook's wedding happened.

They are a way very much happy and Jimin gradually get her Kookie back and Jungkook at the same time was very much in love with her and the affection towards his beautiful wife was still with him.

In this one year length, so much things happened. The very first one is Jimin's brother and Lisa got married. Lisa is working in her own hospital here and Jihoon take the charge of Park Industries Seoul branch. The Major portion of company was here so he thought that he should help his father with the company. They hired a new manager in the American branch of company.

Jeon Fashion is still in the first place but there is a little difference since the Kim fashions also came the same position. After the resignation of Jimin, they suffered alot to maintain the position but the Kim Fashion, which was the second one which is now in the first place with the Jeons. Jungkook was too much frustrated with that but somewhat Jimin doesn't feel that. She was happy between. Taehyung is the topest male model and are working under Kim Fashion. She is happy cuz her best friend is now in the topest position and also it is not gonna harm the prestige and position of her husband.

Jungkook have a meeting with an American company who signed up with him for their next ad. He is in abroad and the trip is of two weeks. He was so sad that he will miss his wife but Jimin consoled him and wished him all the best before going. She will also miss him so much.

Hoseok got his third child. It is a girl. The family is now very much happy and peaceful and the baby is now one month old. Jungkook's parents are with them for taking care of their first born children and also the new born since Minji's parents are in Russia and it is thier responsibility for taking care of their first grand children.

Jimin decided to live in the mansion even though there is no one except the maids. But she is Okey with that since she saw them as her own family and they also love her like thier own daughter or sister.

Now, it's been almost two week from the day Jungkook went to abroad. He will came back home in two days. Jimin was beyond happy and excited to see her husband. They will call each other and had so much face times with each other but being beside your lover and having thier warmth is the best feeling ever in this world.

She was sitting on the balcony of thier shared room. She was thinking about the hugs and kisses that she shared with her husband in the same place. A smile crept on her face when she remembered the day her husband promised her that he will never leave her. It is true that Jungkook is the one who fell in love with her easily but Jimin is the one who fell in love with him deeply.

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