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"Happy birthday to mama's little princess......I love you soo much."

It is Ara's fourth birthday and first one with her father. Everyone was so happy and both Jeon and Park family decided to celebrate grandly. Jimin was beyond happy that for the past three years they used to celebrate it with only few people to be specific only Jimin's Father and Mother and Taehyung and on her first birthday Jihoon and Lisa but this one will be like a festival with all the family members and friends of their.

"Is this Minnie's birthday?"

"Yes....this is the day when Mama got her fortune. I love you so much..."

"Minnie love mama too so much. Where is Appa."

"In the kitchen. Making cake for you. Come Let's take a bath and wear your pretty dress then go and meet Appa. Come."


"Happy birthday my precious Jelly bean...love you so much."

Taehyung opened his hands wide to receive the little girl who was running to him. She looked so much happy and excited which made them smile too.

"Mama said Appa is making cake for Minnie....let Minnie saw them.."

"No. Not now. You will get to see once I finish the preparation. Now don't you want our birthday present?"

"Yesss.....I want..."

Jimin and Taehyung chuckled at how cutely she giggles now. They don't need anything but to see this smile every second and this will make their life special and the best.

"Tadaaa....your new room!!!!"

your new room!!!!"

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"Whoa....is this Minnie's room?"

"Yes...the whole room is yours."

"Thankyou Appa Mama....love you two soo much..."

"We love you more."

Taehyung and Jimin let the baby explore her new room throughout. She was running and jumping here and there. Hugging the pulshies and toys, rolling on the bed and most of all blessing them with her cute giggle.

"She looks so happy. I never saw her this much happy before."

"Well chim she is going to be more and more happy till the end of the day. We have so much surprises for her."

"Yeah that's right."

"Oops....my cake...I will go and make it. You stay here with her. And oh bring her for the breakfast. Hyung said they will be here in half an hour. Minjay was giving them a hard time by buying a gift for our bean. That's why they are becoming late."

"Okey Taehyungie. I will be coming with her once she done with her room tour."

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door and once Jimin opened the door, she met with the certain black haired male who had a bunch of covers in his hand. There was an awkward silence between them and Jimin was somewhat scared to look at him after that night or.....doesn't she trusted herself to look at those eyes anymore.

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