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"You have to be strong Jungkookah...atleast for the people who cares about you...atleast for us....."

Said his mother while looking at now crying boy in her lap. She was caressing his black locks.

"How I will be strong Eomma...she was my energy. Without her how I will survive. It was my fault which made her go away."

"No. Baby. Look at me. It is true that you made a mistake. But it is enough for punishing yourself for more than six months by not going outside and locking yourself here. Look at you now, your skin became dark, your eyes are bloodshot, your body is thinner now. How will we see our son like this. Please come back son. Everyone needs you."

"But she don't want me."

"It is not like you tried to court her. You never did that. You were afraid. You have still hope baby. Just come back and we can make it Okey. Everything will be Okey."

"I will try eomma. But I don't know it I could or not."

"You can baby. I trust you. Your company needs you. We all needs you."

"I will try eomma. I will try....."

He sighed and still pressed his face in his mother's lap.

A month later

Now Jungkook made himself together. Now he came back to the company and slowly he is gaining his features back. But Still the pain was in his heart. Afterall it is the fact that without the name Park Jimin, his life was a complete mess....meaningless....

Currently he was sitting on the chair in his office and suddenly the door cracked open and revealed Ruby.

"May I come in Sir?"

"Yes. Come in."

He said in his usual cold voice.

"Sir I just came that if I could make your mind refresh?"

She said while smiling at him.

"What are you talking about?"

He asked while giving her a confused look.

"I can give you some advice."

She said while he chuckled bitterly

"You are our model. Not my personal consultant."

"Ik Sir but I were also came through the same kind of situation which my boyfriend went away saying nothing but just a goodbye. The funniest thing is still I don't even know why he left me."

In her voice, pain was clearly visible.

"Take your seat Ruby."

He said as she bowed and took a seat in front of him.

"Well how will you give advice to me? I am all ears."

He said as focused on her.

"Sir there will be two reasons why one will leave their love. One will be they don't feel love anymore and other will be they have the strongest feeling for them. I think in your situation, Mam have strong feelings for you or should i say strongest feeling."

She said as he listened to her.

"It is not like you should give up that easily. I know by working with you for moths, how you are loyal and respectful to everyone, especially to women. I am not thinking that you will  look at any women in a bad way after you got the most beautiful girl in this world that I ever saw as yours. So you didn't cheat on her but there is a solid reason behind all this."

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