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Jimin's pov

The day was really great as usual. I woke up early as I does always and looked the love of my life who is lying next to me cuddled up with me. His sleeping face was the most cutest thing that i ever saw in my life. I leaned in and gave a peck on his forehead. He move a bit responding to my kiss and I loosened his grip around me and I went to bathroom for doing my morning routines.

When I finished bath, I took a comfortable dress and walk to downstairs to kitchen.

"Good morning daughter. Did kookie woke up?"

"Good morning Eomma. No. He is still asleep."

"Aish this kid....he is nowadays coming late at home and waking up lately. He even forgetting to do exercises."

"No Eomma. He have alot jobs in comapany and he is a bit tired so that he is being like this."

"Hope that he will get out from those stress and I am not complaining about anything except his behavoiur towards you. He is kinda not giving time for you and sometimes even forgetting you."

"No Eomma. I am Okey. He loves me and all I caring is that his love. I am Okey even though he don't have enough time for me. I am Okey."

I am not Okey.

I am feeling like I am missing something. It will be that Jungkook is nowadays not having time for me. Most of nights, he will come home lately and by that time, I will be asleep and will go to office when he wake up. But I will be alright. He have lot of commitments and above of all that, he is in a responsible position. I should respect his job also.

"What are you thinking daughter?"

"Uh? Nothing....I was just....well what are you preparing now Eomma?"

"It is pancakes and hot coco."

"My favourite....."

I Squealed as she chuckled and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Anything for my girl."

"Love you Eomma."

"Love you too...."


As we were arranging the table, Jungkook and Appa came downstairs.

Appa give a peck on Eomna's cheek and then hugged me while Jungkook sat next to me and gave me his beautiful bunny smile.

I smiled back as we started eating.


"Yes Appa."

"You are not spending time with our daughter. Your marriage is done a few moths ago and you should give her time. She needs you."

"I know Appa. The first person I should give the time and love is my chim. But now the company have alot troubles and we are training the new models to came in the top position as our chim was before. Honestly I am not seeing the perfection that I saw in her in those models."

"I know you are so buisy. But care about her. She needs you."

"I know Appa. But."

"It is Okey Appa. He is still trying to give me his time and I am happy that he is my husband. I only want that."

I assured him as gave Jungkook a smile which is full of satisfaction eventhough I am not satisfied. But I will be.

Appa and Eomma accepted his request and I know he only love me. I only want that.

After finishing breakfast, he bid bye and went to office. I followed him to his car.

When he entered to the driving seat, he called me to came to his side. I went and in a second he pulled me to his lap.

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