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Five  Months Later

Tia's pov

"Sir? May I come in?"

Asked Jia while knocking the door of her boss's office.

"Yes come in."

Said Jungkook still not looking up. Eyes glued in the file as Jia come inside.

"Sir your schedule for today."

"Yeah tell me."

"Sir you have a meeting with the Kim Fashions for your upcoming collaboration at 10 AM and today is the day for the final hearing of the divorce case of your and mam's."

Jungkook gasped when he heared the word Divorce. Today will be the final day of Jimin as his official life partner. From today onwards, she will not be his......


"Cancel the whole plans."


"I said cancel today's whole plans. I don't wanna attend any of it."

"Ok Sir."

She didn't opposed further and bowed at him and went out.

"Will I be able to see her for the last time?"

He asked to himself.

He is now feeling the pain of losing.....

The losing of love......

Time skips.

At the court.

In the said time, Jungkook arrived with his brother Hoseok. The only person who knows about his problems is him. Jungkook told everything to him as Hosoek advised him to openup with Jimin but all he said was it is already late and he is afraid which the elder found extremely stupidity.

In his opinion, Jimin was an understanding person who will surely listen to his problems but Jungkook was afraid to tell her everything.

"Will she come here hyung?"

Asked Jungkook while searching in the small crowd for his love.

"We can hope Kook. It is the last hearing so may be she will come."

"I hope so hyung."

"Come Let's go inside."


As they were about to go inside, a familiar car came there stopped and a man came out of front door and opened the back door revealing Jihoon and thier lawyer along with. When his eyes met Jungkook, there was a hatred filled expression in his face showing how much he hates the younger for ruining his one and only sister's life.

He didn't even bother to say anything to him as walked inside followed by his secretary and lawyer.

"Look hyung. Jihoon hyung hates me like an enemy."

"Everyone thinks that you are the one who made situation like this Kook. If you had the courage to tell everything to Jimin, things will not be like this"

"I was afraid hyung. I was afraid that I will lose her."

"Did you became able to make her stay with you by not telling her the truth? Huh? You know what Kook? You are a coward."

With that tears started to brim in his eyes.

"Oh my God!! Don't cry brother. I was just a little angry it is not like I hate you. I am with you Kook. Everything will be alright."

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