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Hello my lovely  bubbly pearls....

How are you all? Hope that everyone keeps healthy and happy. If there is any problem just keep it away and smile to the world. The only thing we have freely is our jenuine smile. So smile to everyone.

I am here for another update and it's been a while since I updated so I want to give you an update.

Since it is a Jikook, Jungkook's and Jimin's meeting is essential so I am just preparing for it and soon it will come in front of you.

So let's go.

Jimin's pov

It is now 7 at evening and I am back home. Keeping away from my universe was something I couldn't bear so I was in a rush to come back again and see my precious again.

"I am home."

I called as got inside with the spare key I have.

"I am here."

I heared Tae's voice from kitchen as I walked to there. There I saw him cooking something and looking handsome in that apron. Well no doubt he is the most handsome man in the world. Proud to be his bestfriend. He looked at me and smiled as I walked near to him looking for what he is doing.

"How was the day? How is our Lis?"

"She is fine. Complained about not getting you and Minnie with me."

"Its Okey. I will go and visit her next time. And we can get Minnie to her soon."

"Speaking of the devil, where is she?"

"Yeah..don't call her devil. She is an angel. Kim Taehyung's angel. And she is asleep. I put her on the bed after feeding some pancakes. "

"Okey. And what are you making?"

"Some Fried rice with chicken steak. Are you hungry?"

"Yes....so much. I will go and change."

"I am almost done. Go and change. I will arrange the food in table."

I nodded and went upstairs to change. Its been only one day since we came here but all I am thinking is him. Yes. I am afraid of letting Jungkook see my  daughter and it will be a mess if it happen. My baby will ask me questions once she find she have a father. For now Taehyung is like her father and she calls him Appa. But what if she finds she have a real father? I don't know. But I should be prepared for everything coming in my life. If I have to face it alone, I am willing for. I will do anything to protect my daughter.

As I walked inside my room, I saw my devil angel sleeping peacefully on the bed. She is an angel and a devil at the same time. But I could've die for my precious pearl. The time I got her in my arm, I just wanted to stop the time and be in that same position with my universe. As a mother, it is so blessing to have such a princess as daughter.

I sat on the edge of bed and looked at my Minnie. Everyone is correct. She is indeed a copy of her father. Well I can't deny the fact that Jungkook is her father and no one can replace the position. Even if I wanted to keep her away from him, which is a hard job since we are now in a same place, one day sure he will see her and the questions will start to arise. But what did his parents do to be them away from thier grand daughter? Am I doing right thing by keeping her away from the world? Will I be able to hide her in my wings forever? I know I can't. And I am leaving it all to the fate.

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