495 36 14

"Kookah....are you ready?"

Hoseok just came into Jeon Mansion and he is also Jungkook's best man. He was his best man five years ago also but that time was so much happy and excited all day long but today, his heart was aching. He had no expressions held at all. The younger was also being the same but abit determined. Determined to do something that can make his situation better. He was having that thing in his coat pocket. The same thing which can only help him now.

"Yeah hyung. I am ready. You can go. I will be there."

Hoseok nodded and went out the room while Jungkook one last time looked at the mirror and smiled to himslef. That smile held something. Something dangerous........ Something evil......


"Mama....it's time for Pokémon.....Minnie wanna see....come..show me....."

"Aish this girl! Coming coming."

Jimin was again in her trail of thoughts until her daughter called her to turn the TV on. It is the time for her favourite cartoon show.

She walked to the living room where the little girl was jumping on the couch squealing to turn the TV on.

"Baby you will fall from it if you jump like this. Please sit there. Mama will turn the TV on."

"Put it on...put it on...."

"Ah my ears. Here you go. Mama will get you something to eat don't jump again."

"Okey Mama. I won't jump again Minnie promise."

"That's my girl. Now watch your cartoon."

Jimin just lazily turn the TV on and gave Ara a little peck on her forehead and was about to go but the voice from the TV made her stop right there.

"Please just leave them alone. You want me right? I am willing to be your slave for the rest of my life. Please leave my love and baby. Please."

"What the-"

She couldn't blink her eyes. Why the TV showing them instead of cartoon and in that video, something wasn't right. She can sense the atmosphere isn't good and the brunette seemed so much helpless and desperate. He is begging. To her? Why?

"Whoaaa....Dada is a hero? He is in the TV."

The little girl was again being so much excited to see her father in the TV. She don't know the seriousness of the situation and Jimin wasn't listening to her. Her full attention was on the TV that is showing something that can change her whole life.


"Oh Tae...you came? We were looking for you."

"Stucked in the traffic jam Jin hyung. Nowadays it is getting on my nerves."

"Yeah leave that. Did you executed the plan? Where is Jimin? She would've been here by this time where is she?"

"Whoa whoa calm down Namjoon hyung. Well I didn't had to do anything special."

Others got shocked by how silly the younger looks now. An unbothered look and he is smiling at everyone.

"What are you saying Tae? Jin ..did your brother became insane? He is talking like this is a child play."

"Calm down Namjoonah...Tae. what is this? You don't know the seriousness?"

"Everyone...gather around. Call the bride and groom. It's the time for the wedding."

"Guys....ceremony is about to start. We can't miss it."

Taehyung said to everyone as walked away after giving all his infamous boxy smile. He is behaving all cool. This made the elders so much frustrated and angry at the younger. They were expecting him to do the things that they planned yesterday. But it seems like he didn't do anything. He was behaving like everything is normal.

"Why is he like this Jin hyung? Don't he know the seriousness of this?"

Yoongi asked Jin who was looking at the younger all disappointed. Namjoon's situation was also the same. They didn't know what to do anymore. Hoseok is still unaware of this situation. He is with Jungkook. If he knows about it then he will also become like this.

Soon the ceremony started. They didn't invited so much people. Only close family memebers and some friends. Ellie wanted a grand function but Jungkook somewhat became able to make it simple.

Everyone who gathered around there had a blank expression on their face except only one who was grinning victoriously. She got everything she want by ruining so much lifes but does she cares? All she wanted her good life and won't hesitate to do anything to make it more better and the best. She will even kill to get rid of the obstacles that coming in her way.

"Taehyung please say something. Why you didn't told her anything? You know what you are doing?"


"Oh my Jesus utter something Mr Kim Taehyung. Ruby literally did everything to make them get together eventhough she was Jungkook's mere emplyee. And you here didn't do anything to make your own soulmate's life better?"


"Why you didn't told her anything Taehyungah...she deserved to know. Why you didn't?"


"You are playing with my Jungkookie's life Taehyung. Please have some mercy on him...please save my brother."


"Oh my God! What is this brat doing? I am being ashamed to get a brother like you. What made you do something like this?"


"Why the fuck is he counting numbers? If you continue, I won't hesitate to kill you eventhough you are my cousin and bestfriend."


"My brother. Please tell did you do anything? Where is Jimin? Why isn't she here yet? Oh my God...the wedding is about to start please say something..."


"We are gathered here for the holy union of two souls as one. May the Jesus christ give his all blessings to you and make your life happy.....

Do you Miss Ellie Mathew take Mr Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband?"


"Yes I do."


"Do you Mr Jeon Jungkook take Miss Ellie Mathew as your lawfully wedded wife?"







Just one last looooooong chapter left......

Comment your thoughts.....

Love you all so much my lovely pearls...

See you in the last part....

Bye bye.....

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