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Hi my lovely pearls...

It's me only Tia and here I am for an update. Hope you guys will love it.

So here is it.

Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Did I said today is my main exam?

Nothing but my usual shits...🤭 lol....

Namjoon: should I come over to shave your brow Tia?

Lol Tia: No......

Namjoon: Then write quickly and go back to study before I get home back.

Lol Tia: I-I will.... haha...*nervous laugh..

Namjoon: Good for you.

Anyways.....here you gooo.....

Tia's pov

They were standing in the kid's section of the mall and the younger was so much confused about what will he buy for his daughter.

"How terrible I am as a father....right hyung? I don't even know what my own daughter likes."

Jungkook was chuckling sadly while the older had a sad smile on his face. How much he can do, it is a fact that Jeon Jungkook is still discourage and helpless and still he don't want to get helped by anyone.

"It's not like you were with her this whole four years. Well took something that a kid probably like. And I am sure she is gonna love your selections since you are her father."

Hoseok gave him a assuring smile while the younger sighed and kept searching on the toys where he can find something that his daughter will probably like.


"Mama.....Minnie need her Elsa noowwwwwwww"

Little Ara was now whining and yelling to her mother who was buisy in making breakfast.

"Minnie Mama told you I will bring a new one once I finish this and feed you and also me and your Appa."

She said while trying her best to calm the devil on the floor who is now whining more.

"No...Minnie want it now and now!"

She shouted at her mother with a cute angry face while crossing her arm to her chest as glaring at her mother who is now placing the food on table.

"Ah Minnie. I told-"

"What about Appa bring a biiggggg Elsa for my cute doll? But only if my angel eat as much Mama give you and listen to Mama and Appa."

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