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Hello my friends....

Miss me? Cuz I misssedd you alll my dears.....

Today I am here for an update and it will be a long one and so many other stuffs ( you know what I mean) so if any little babies are here then please go study your book for a while or if someone who is still an innocent soul then come Let's watch run bts episodes....

Oh I am making you again bored

So let's go let's go......

Tia's pov (you know who is that girl)

"Make love to me kookie. Make me yours again and agian and again. Make me feel complete by every mean. Make me your once again like you always does......make me feel you deeply......"

Jungkook couldn't belive what he heared from his wife. It was the first time she became this much bold when the case is making love. She never asked him to. It was always him and she never denied it either. But today, he was kinda shocked and also happy that finally his wife asked him something he wanted her to ask.

Without wasting any time he crashed his thin and soft lips to her full and plump one. The kiss was like eternity. Both of them doesn't wanted to pull off and miss the warmth of each other's body together. Jungkook pulled Jimin more closer by holding her tiny waist while Jimin's hand played on her love's soft black locks.

First the kiss was soft and gentle but it soon turned as hot and sloppy one, Jungkook slowly slid his hand under her dress to make her gasp and he used this time for pushing his tongue inside her. Their teeths danced together, eagerly trying to explore each other's mouth so badly but Jungkook won and she let him win so easily like the way she let him win everytime.

After feeling like an eternity, they pulled apart for gaining some oxygen only to connect them together even harder and stronger.

"Let's not make it here. Don't we?"

Jungkook asked between the kiss while only heared Jimin's mild moans as response.

They pulled apart and walked out of the roof to their room. Still holding together tightly as much as possible.


When they reached their room, Jimin gasped at the arrangements in the room. The whole room changed to a romantic place in two hours...the white pleasant light was long gone while a dim red colour was dominating in the dark room. Rose petals are scattered I the floor and candles are lit on the various placed and mostly the bed with white velvet sheet is filled with roses and jasmine. A slow romantic music is playing inside the room and giving the two love birds a hard time to stand by doing nothing.

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