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The morning came very soon as I opened my eyes to find Jungkook is still asleep. I sighed and got up from the couch and went to the bathroom for doing morning routines. I came back after wearing pink dress and went straight to the kitchen for making something for him and me since Eomma and Appa didn't came yet.

As I was cooking, I felt two arm around my waist and hot breath on my neck. It felt warm as I breathed calmly.

"Good morning Baby."

"Good morning Kookie."

We greeted each other as he gave me a peck on my face.

'Should I ask him now?'

I thought myself. After finishing my work, I said him to go and take a shower as he went and came back after getting ready for office.

We ate in an uncomfortable silent as finally I decided to broke the silence.

"Tae and Yoongi hyung were here yesterday after Eomma went to Hyung."

I said as he hummed in response.

"And, why did you drunk too much yesterday? And who was the girl who brought you here?"

"Uh? That....um....I...ah....we...yeah we had a little get together yesterday that finally we got a new model but she is not as perfect as you and the girl that you saw will be Ruby. She is the new model that i mentioned."


"Are you mad at me or something?"

"Me? No. Never. Why would I be mad at you when you didn't do anything bad?"

"Thanks baby. I love you."

He said as give me a smile. I nodded and finished the food.

After that, he went to the office as usual. I sighed and walked to our room.

I was at living room when my phone buzzed out. I took it as an excited smile crept on my face. It was my one and only brother Park Jihoon.


"Whoa...calm down calm down my daughter...how are you little mochi?"

I chuckled at the name that he gave me. He always calls me that.

"Fine oppa and how about you? when are you coming back from USA? I miss you so much. I wanna cuddle with you when you come back."

"Well...I am Okey too my baby sis. And I called you for informing you that. I am coming next week. And I am gonna cuddle with you entire time."


"Aish...this kid.....and tell me how is Jungkook and his family?"

"Everyone is great and we are all doing good. I just only missing you and your warmth."

"I miss you too my mochi. I will come soon and we will spend lot of time each other. Now I gotta go. Will call you later."

"OK hyungie Oppa...love you..."

"Love you too my honey."

We hung up and a warmth felt on my face and heart as finally I will be able to spend time with my brother. Ah...it will  make my mood happy.

I sighed as thought of Jungkook came in my mind. I just wanna belive him but somewhere in the corner of my heart, I am not feeling Okey. But I will not suspect him. I don't wanna be a typical wife who will suspect her husband so easily. I don't wanna lose him for nothing. I love him and trust him.

As the lunch time came, suddenly an idea came in my mind. How it will be if I surprise my Kookie by going to the company and make his fav dish as lunch? He will be happy to see me. And I will just get some time with him also.

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