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She was looking out of the window, thinking about something hard. Life of her never give any peace till now. She wished to be in those time when she was a little kid, who didn't had no worries and always had to play and be happy. But when she started her own life, became mature, she had to face everything like a helpless person. There  was lot of people with her still she was alone in her own thoughts, thinking about what was the wrong move that she took in her life.

"Mam..we are here."

The driver said while hoping out and coming to her side to open the door for her. She sighed and got out from the car and looked at the huge building in front of her. The same place which changed her life so much- something that only changed her if we can say. The same building where she build her own life, the same building which gave her a specific place, the same building where her whole life is bounded - Jeon Fashion.

'Should I do this?'


"And if I said no then it's a no."

Jimin was in her limit. It is true that she allowed her daughter to be with her father and indeed she deserves everything but now what her daughter demanding was something which she can't accept.

Her daughter wanted to see her father's company and he promised her that he will get her with him to visit there. But still there was the problem that her mother didn't give the permission and will Jimin give that? Never.

"Chim just for one day. Allow her to explore the outerworld. We can't make her sit in the house everytime."

Taehyung tried his best to make his best friend understand but Jimin being Jimin, stubborn always.

"Mama....pweaseeeee....Minnie will go and come back quickly. Pweassseeeeee"

'Yeah this emotional blackmail.'

Jimin sighed and had to accept it since her daughter never asked for anything like this. Her sad eyes was the last thing she wanted to see so she had to accept.

"Ok fine. Just for one day and return before evening. You know Mama can't live without seeing you."

Jimin said while kissing her on forehead and looked at Jungkook who had a unreadable expression in his face. He would be scared to hear the younger's answer.

"Just keep an eye on her. She will run away if we keep our eyes even for a second."

She said with a stern and cold voice as the elder gave her a little Ok and picked his daughter from the ground and walked out after bidding bye to Taehyung.

"She will be fine. Or else you can pick her up from there."

Taehyung patted her on the shoulder and walked to his room for getting ready for the shooting.

Time skipped to evening and Jimin started to get panic when she didn't saw the younger yet. Time by time she was getting mad and sad. Does her baby forget her? Does she started to love her father more than her? She was getting insecure so much.

"I will just pick her from there."

She said to herself and went to get ready.

Flashback ends

"Mam, may I lead you inside?"

"No. Thankyou. I will go by myself."

With a heavy sigh, she started to make her way to the building. She felt like every single step like a stab on her heart. How much she loved this place once and now, hate this with her whole heart, atleast it is what she things.

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