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"I feel bad for my Jimin. She desreve to be happy."

Yoongi was in his deep thoughts until his lover joined him in the bed, placing her head on his chest, rubbing it with her fingers smoothly.

"What are you thinking jagiyah?"

She asked while raising her head slightly up to see his face which had no expressions helt at all.

"About my little sister. Don't you think she suffered alot in her small age?"

"Yes that's right. And I feel bad for Sir Jeon also. They both deserved to be together and happy."

"If we could then we would've been helping them."

"Well I have something to show you."

Ruby reached out for her phone and opened it to show something to Yoongi. With a confused expression, he took it and looked at it.

After watching that, his face was growing with wide smile. His face was like found something that can solve everyone's problem. Yes! It was something that can solve everything.

"I need to call Taealien. We need to talk. Will call hyungs and hobi too."

It was the only words came out from his mouth before jumping out of the bed and grabbing his phone.

"Hello Tae?"

"Oh boongi hyung. Why did you called me in this early morning?"

"Ruby got something that we needed this much while."

It took few seconds for Taehyung to process what that elder is trying to imply and when he got it, sudden excitement bloomed inside him as he replied.

"We need to meet as soon as possible. I will call hyungs. What about now? We have only few hours left."

"Ok come to my studio then. We can't discuss in public. Come fast."

"Okey hyung. Let me call others. See you soon."

They hung up the call and Yoongi looked back to see Ruby standing there with an expression which is like asking something...so eager.

"Get ready. They are coming. We got no time. It's a do or die thing. Fast."

"Okey I am going."




"Huh? Don't you want Minnie anymore?"



"Oh my God you scared me baby. What happened?"

"I was calling you for so long and you didn't even look up at me? Don't you love me anymore?"

It was the last thing that she wanted to hear from the little girl. The only person who is making her stay alive in this world is the child who is standing in front of her. The only person that she want in her life.

"What is it baby? You know that mama love you more than anything in this world."

"But you weren't looking at me which made Minnie sad so much."

"It's nothing baby. Mama was thinking something. What do you want to ask?"

She wanted to make the pouting child smile so the only thing that can make her happy is showing her cute faces. After succeeding in her mission, she picked her up and placed her in her lap and again asked.

"Tell me now. What my baby pearl wanted to know?"

"Mama why you and Dada don't talk each other? Minnie wanna see that you talking."

Her heart skipped a beat when the little kid asked her that. She wanted to answer her all questions but could she ever make her understood the things that happened between them?

"Baby we are Okey. We talks. Okey. I will talk to your Dada once he come again to meet you."



"Yeeyyyyy I love you so much...."


She got already moved on right? She don't have any kind of feelings for the later anymore. She hates him to the end of the world. She cutted every strings that made him attach with her heart. She got separated from him. But.....

Why this hurts so much.....? Why this feelings of him going to be someone else's hurts this much?

"Oh you didn't slept yet? Where is baby?"

"She slept Tae and I couldn't sleep at all. Did you had dinner?"

"Yeah I had. I was with Jin hyung. What about you?"

"Yeah. I had. Long ago."

"That's good. Now go and sleep. I am also going to my room."

"Okey Tae. Goodnight."

"Wait chimmy. I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

Jimin looked at the elder eagerly as he came forward and stood in front of her.

"I am going to attend Jungkook's wedding tomorrow. Are you coming also?"

What kind of question was that? She won't be able to witness the moment and if she does then everyone will see a completely different Jimin. She will do something that she will be regretting later. She can't. It is better for her to stay at home rather than going there and doing something regretful thing.

"No Tae. I am not feeling good. Me and baby will stay here. You can go."

"Oh are you alright?"

"Yes. I am. Just some head ache. I will be Okey."

"Sleep good then. Goodnight."


Jimin wanted to burst out in front of him. She wanted to open all those suffocating things before him. She wanted so desperately but....isn't it too much late for anything like that?

She wanted him back...she wanted to hold those hands again she only needed an explanation. Deep inside of her someone was saying that things are not like the same as she is seeing now. She wanted to belive that somewhere but at the same time wanted to ignore it too. She wanted to run to him but wanted to run away also. She wanted to live with him but wanted to die also. She wanted to embrace him but wanted to push him away too. She wanted her Jungkook.

But she didn't wanted him also.

"Yes. You will come my soulmate. Not to attend. But to break!"




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