obama is jealous

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Obama called Michelle
Beep hoop beep hoop beeep hoopBeep hoop beep hoop beeep hoopBeep hoop beep hoop beeep hoopBeep hoop beep hoop beeep hoop
M: About time you called Obama!
O: I know, I'm sorry shawty. Shrek is such a dominant alpha male. I cant do anything
M: Shit happens xoxo
O: Inno baba gorl
M: calm down gru inno you was at the wedding and shi but like I'm married now
O: lol xD
M: so ummm
O: umm
M: how are your little demon children?
O: still setting fire to shreds new wigs. He had to go completely bald because all of his wigs kept getting ruined.
M: O
O: Yeah. I know it sucks.

Fiona x Michelle Obama 🛀😮‍💨❤️Where stories live. Discover now