Becoming Scarlett Overkill by Scarlett Overkill

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Chapter One
It all started when I was in kindergarten. I liked this boy, his name was Gru. Everyone else ignored him, made fun of him, bullied him. I thought he was cute. I liked him so much, but I never told him. I think he liked me too, for my 8th birthday, he got me an inside out cat, which my mum turned the right way and we called her Pebbles. I gave him a bath set, but as soon as I turned away, he threw it in a bin. I didn't take it to heart though. He must have just not had a bath, right? Right?.

Chapter Two
I loved him all those years, and he never confessed his love for me, nor did I. He's a criminal now, so I became a worse one. He fears me. He knows I'm better then him, better, badder what does it matter, it's all the same. I kidnapped one of his minions for ransom and he gave me the moon. Not in a romantic way, literally, the moon. I released it back to its home, but now it's tiny. The size of my hand. Also, I've been hooking up with Vecor and he's jealous. Perfect.

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