michelle obama?

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(Long chapter)
Gru: MIchelle ObaMa???.,,,!,L.,... I THOUGHT YOU DIED
Michelle (M): I will never die, not while I'm trying to end obese children in America. Seriously, look in the basement on your way out, so many little porkers down there. We had to start taxing people more just to feed them.
G: Wow, that's fucked up Michelle. Where's Obama Llama?
M: Look in the basement ;)
Michelle guided Gru into the basement, which was a waste of Gru going up 1439 steps because he was now on his 1862nd step down when Michelle pushed him and he fell into an old, rotten door. It was so dense and wet that he just fell through and it revealed all the worms and maggots living inside the door.
When he was falling down the steps more, he heard the screams of fat children. No, not them yelling for more 'cændŷ', them yelling that an obese man was being flung 75mph at them. It was the end for them.
That was the sound of 177 chocolate bars hitting the floor in shock.

Michelle yelled down:
"Don't eat the brick down there Gru." This was followed my a maniacal laugh.

Gru started whacking the door hard and yelling 'LET ME OUT'
This was before the dumbass realised that he made a an elephant sized hole in the door, he just managed to squeeze through and charged for Michelle. He took her down and strangled her.
G: WHERE.... IS....... OBAMA......LLAMA.....BITCH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?,.,.,.,.,
M: Get the fuck off me so I can breathe you fat fuck
G: oh shit yeah ok
M: YOu wOnT Be lAsT ayo sEe Me. I WaNt YoUR mAnAGEr.
And with that, she ran off into the sunset, crying like a little bitch
Obama Llama (O): *claps* What, you egg? *stabs him*
O: You just strangled my wofe. I will sikh revenge 😮‍💨🕷
G: ok, mœi tôrn.....
Gru landed a seriously epic punch on the presidents peepee. This send Obama llama to the floor in pan. Gru kicked him many times before he fell to the floor also, he was out of breath.
O: This is why.....Jamie Oliver..,. Gets sent.... To schools......
Obama got up. He picked up the portrait of him in his office aggressively and slammed it down on his head, leaving the frame hanging around his neck. This meant he couldn't move freeely, not that he could move at all, he was still winded of course.

Gru ran like the win. Only if the winds top speed was 2 miles per hour.

Fiona x Michelle Obama 🛀😮‍💨❤️Where stories live. Discover now