michelle and gru: exposed.

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Michelle and Gru.
Gru now knew.
Gru felt the same way about Michelle. The only problem was Fiona. She was very overprotective over her gyall, man. Like fuck off mandem, that's her babe right there.
They decided that they couldn't tell Fiona.
They ran far far away to a town, literally named Far Far Away. The Queen and King knew about Michelle. So they had to hide. This is because Fiona is the daughter of the King and Queen.
Shrek, Obama and Fiona
Fiona's secret diary.
             Dear Diery,
Michelle's been gone for months now. Ive missed her so much. I dont know when she is coming back, i don't even know if she is ever coming back. Good. Ive been schleeping with Shrek for about a year now and she still doesn't know.

*Obama walks in on her writing and says:*
O: Hey, we're going to the mall.
F: But your not allowed back.
O: Yeah, a different mall idiot.
F: Oh right.
O: Should I get you anything?
F: Some new bras.... From Victoria's Secret.
*Obama sighs and walks away.*
He did not get the bras.

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