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No, not that bbc, dirty minded freak, ugh.
Bowser went home shortly after. He sat down, scraping the sofa and tearing it with the studs on his back shell. He turned on the News at Ten. The people he had killed only around an hour ago, were featured on the tv.
News Reporter Female (NF): Hello, welcome back to News at Ten. Im Rebecca Thomas..
News Reporter Male (NM): And Im Spencer Smith..
Nf: Breaking News:
        Princess Peach, daughter of King Ass, and Phil Swift, CEO of Flex Seal and Tape has gone
         missing. There is a one-point-eight million pound offering for anybody who can give
           us information or such on their whereabouts. If you do have information on their
             whereabouts, please send INFO to +44 9826 727386 or call to get through to
               our hotline.                Thank you for watching, see you after the br-

Bowser turned off the TV. He reminisced.
B: Oh shi-

He had left behind his rocket launcher, filthy with his fingerprints.

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