prison scentence

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*In the mall, Obama was coming out of Victoria's Secret: PINK when he was apprehended for murder of Kevin the Minion.*
Obama: L-Lads, what-ts going on uhhh,, here? *gestures with his hands*
Policeman 1: We're arresting you on suspicion of murder of Kevin Minion.
Obama: Lads, I don't know nothing about dat mates.
Policeman 2: *shows him footage*
Obama: *starts throwing bras around and gets one stuck on his face*

*Obama gets handcuffed and shoved into the bright policecar where he was driven to court n the chance to play a game of tennis. If he looses, he goes to prison, if not, he goes back to Victoria's Secret and presents a formal apologie for destruction of prope- bras.

Fiona x Michelle Obama 🛀😮‍💨❤️Where stories live. Discover now