gru's truth.

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I recently found some mail from Alcatraz prison, it was supposed to be for Scarlett but she is on a business trip. I read it, she would be happier with him. So I immediately left and got on a plane to go visit an old friend.

When I got there, I was greeted by the usual swamp or two. They smelt so horrifically, my chauffeur passed out from even a whiff of it. I was used to it though. Soon enough, I got to the White House.
Gru (G): Hi there! Reservation to meet with the president?
Reception Worker (RW): Hi there! May I have your ID?
I handed her my ID and she asked me to step through some metal detectors.
RW: Please wait over there and my colleagues will be over when he is ready.
This big burly man came up to me.
Big Burly Man (BBM): Hey, Im Pete, I'm your advisor for your meeting today, just for the Presidents safety and yours. Please follow me this way.
I followed him hesitantly, he took me up several flights of stairs and along the staircase were many pictures of the Presidents family.
Finally I got to the room, where there was....

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