˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Anarchist Nobleman

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ general

Dameon Alvaro

Alvy (Usually goes by Alvaro)




zodiac sign

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ appearance


Argentinian / Cuban


body type

Wavy-curly, dark red-brown, reaches his ears.

Cat-like, red, tilted upwards


- Lots of scars from battles. Especially on his torso.
- Permanent bags under his eyes from stress
- Left ear pierced
- His arms are entirely made of a pitch-black substance.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personality

Alvaro is an intense man. He's very passionate, loud, and aggressive. He's introverted by nature, but isn't afraid to tell someone to "pîss off" if they approach him. Alvaro hasn't a polite bone in his body. He's a menace on the battle field though. Being an intelligent, quick thinker, and a natural leader. Despite how aggressive and cruel he can be, people respect him for that.

+ Sunsets
+ Sword Fighting
+ Reading
+ Traveling

- Royalty
- Mornings
- Nightmares
- The Cold

- Reading
- Traveling
- Sword Fighting
- Archery
- Craftsmanship

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personal


Keres Bazil
Adriella Finn
Melania Blackwell

A dark stead.

Alvaro's family hailed from Thazia, one of the seven continents of Xalephate. Thazia is a smaller island that was ruled by the god Donovan. When Alvaro was a small child, not yet even seen his fourth winter, his parents served under said god as knights. They laid down their lines for the kingdom, and then Alvaro was alone. He faced his fourth winter that way.
Alvaro met a girl with hair as white as the snow that fell around them during his tenth winter. She was named Nona. She took him in, took him to the palace. Donovan, begrudgingly, let the small boy stay. As Alvaro made Nona happy- so long as he made himself useful. So, Alvaro did. He did anything he could to help the staff.
During his eleventh summer, Alvaro met Nina's whole family for the first time. As well as her fiancé, Zenith. A god, but not nearly as ethereal as the rest of them in Alvaro's eyes. It was this summer he began to disdain royalty.
He can't figure out, to this day, why he didn't see it coming. The end of all good. Alvaro still remembers holding Nona's corpse to his chest, shaking and sobbing. Slapping her cheeks to wake her. The look on Zenith's face as he backed away. Alvaro remembers screaming, swearing he'd kill the many if they ever crossed paths again.
Alvaro couldn't stay in Thazia, not when every corner reminded him of her. Keres -the god of death and Nona's favorite sibling- stepped forward and took him in. As much as Alvaro hated to go with royalty, he had nowhere else to turn. Donovan blaming him for Nona's death. Keres and Alvaro made it to Mouria, and Alvaro began to train under Keres. Alvaro learned the way of the blade, and was granted a gift by Donovan when his training came to an end.
Donovan replaced Alvaro's human arms with that of a shifting black substance. One that could become certain things if Alvaro mastered them. Only a tiny fraction of the power the gods held, but it was enough to make sure nobody he loved ever died on him again.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ misc

- Shockingly, despite being a noble, Alvaro is an anarchist.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ scenarios ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ one
"You're a human noble, aren't you, lass/lad?" Before the question, you'd been enjoying a celebratory ball held by the nobles to celebrate the birthday of Keres and Aisha. The rulers of Mouria. The question came out of nowhere. You hadn't even seen the man before he was at your side, peering over your shoulder. He was tall, but not nearly as tall as the gods, and their were horns sticking out of his head. Giving him a rather devilish look. Other than that though, he looked normal. Human. Noble. But somehow, still out of place. You?

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ two
You were currently enjoying festivities/working the festival. It was held every year in the castle town (the town closest to the castle- that is). It had a ton of festivities that went day and night. A time of feasting, rest, and celebration. Florists made flower crowns for children and bouquets for bachelors to give to bachelorettes. Bakers brought out their finest pastries to sell. And many other merchants and travelers showed up for the festivities. At the moment it was sunset and many people were pairing up and dancing in the middle of the square. You had plans to eat. Even buying yourself something and going to sit. Life had other plans. You bumped into a man you hadn't seen previously, and then your food was lost to the dirty ground. "Oh, I didn't see you." He spoke before you had the chance, seeming surprised. You?

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ three
Make it up!

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