˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Villainess

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ general

Yvonne Walker

Von, Onne




zodiac sign

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ appearance

Human (adjacent)



body type

Cream (almost white), wavy and all over the place.

Oval, dark, no tilt

Sickly pale

- Pierced lobes & nose

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personality

Yvonne is a serious person. She doesn't really joke around, and doesn't get anything out of violence like one might expect. Yvonne's a very straight forward and aspirational person. She knows what she wants and strives to achieve any goal she lays down for herself. That being said, Yvonne does what she does for a reason. She isn't without her morals, not at all. Yvonne isn't out to hurt people, just destroy what hurt her. The people that get in her way... They're just asking for a little shock.

+ Electricity
+ Cats
+ Dresses
+ The sea

- Mornings
- Coffee
- The past
- Loud music

- Violin & piano
- Street art
- Speech writing
- Photography

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personal

Biological mother - deceased
Biological father - alive

Alexandria Brooks
Tristan South
Ve Lee

A tabby cat named Whisker

Yvonne grew up in an extremely rich family. Her father owned one of the biggest wifi companies their side of the country. It left them very well off, however he was busy. Her mother fell very ill when Yvonne was young, so she didn't see a lot of the woman.

Her opinion of her father fell into the gutter when he didn't even show up for her mother's funeral. She hated him from that moment on. While Yvonne didn't know her mother well, she knew her mother was a kindhearted and good person.

She didn't like her studies, but she was forced into them. Isolated from her peers, her father paying tutors instead of sending her to private school.

Then her father got an idea. The idea of a mad man, and she was his daughter. The perfect test subject. Yvonne had thought he was turning over a new leaf at first when he'd invited her to the Petersburg facilities. Thought he'd apologize and try to do better...

How wrong she was. Instead, he turned her into a machine. Tried to see if he could create another superhuman, like the pretty little Starlight running around. What he hadn't expected was for her to be so powerful, and that underestimation is what led to Yvonne's escape.

That's how Yvonne became reborn, and that's why she's grown to hate Starlight and her father's company.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ misc

- Yvonne is known as "Shockwave". Her father didn't want what he was doing to get out, so he spread misinformation about her having been a worker who tampered with things she shouldn't have.
- Yvonne has very advanced technology that aids in honing her abilities, much unlike Alexandria's amateurish prototypes. All of which are electricity based and powered.


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ scenarios ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ one
You'd known Yvonne for awhile. You were close, extremely close. So obviously, you were the first person she ran too after everything. She came to you crying and with electricity crackling in her very veins. So you helped her, of course you did. Even if you wouldn't had it been anyone else. Wether you supported her idea of taking down everything that had ever hurt her or not, she was following through with it. Living as a supervillain. While you were left to watch. Watch her come home beaten and bruised, and forced to chat with her like you couldn't see the way she was breaking. Yvonne had never been a violent person. This wasn't her. But what was there to do?
It was one of those nights where Yvonne had come home late. This time though, she brought food. Your favorite, actually. She huffed as she got through the door, ripping off her mask and kicking her shoes off. Yvonne went and found you, waking you if she had to, and brought you to eat. "Here. An apology for all this mess." She sighed, collapsing into a seat. Exhausted.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ two
The way Shockwave was terrorizing the city was well known to you. What was also well known was how Starlight kept fending her off each time. Keeping Shockwave from fulfilling her goal. It was a power grab. One of which neither could win. So you went about your life, your daily business taking place time and time again without too much hassle. Not until Shockwave launched an attack on your building. Thing was, you worked for her father's corporation. The power went out and next thing you knew, the building was collapsing. Yvonne had sent a powerful shockwave down into the ground, causing the building to crumble easily. As it wasn't up to code nor earthquake proofed.
It was all happening so fast. The falling. You went out a window. Practically able to see your life flash before your eyes as the ground came rapidly approaching.
Then you stopped falling. Very suddenly. You were jerked back, grabbed by Yvonne. "Jesus, didn't expect people to go flying out of windows." She hissed, pulling you to safety. Then she looked you over, noticing the large gashes the breaking glass and other things had caused. Yvonne cringed behind her mask. "Sorry about that... You should, uh, get to a hospital." Yvonne said, standing up to leave. "Obviously I can't, uh, take you. So... See you around, I guess. Hopefully not."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ three
Make it up!

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