˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Mastermind

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ general

Cypress Journey

Cy , Snowfall

Male | he/him



zodiac sign

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ appearance




body type

Dyed dark blue, slightly wavy, reaches his ears. Two chunks up front droop down a bit further.

Round, slightly upturned, icy blue


- heavily pierced ears
- a few miscellaneous scars

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personality

Cypress is... Mischievous, to say the least. He acts extremely unusually for his profession. A lot of people think him a sociopath, but Cypress has never had a diagnosis for that type of thing. He can be charming and considerate, but can also turn on a dime. You never quite know where you stand with someone like him. What's for certain is that when Cypress makes up his mind he's not afraid to fight for his way. You should never underestimate him.

+ animals
+ the rain
+ the dark
+ violin

- piano
- bland food
- being bored
- "insects"

- extensive cleaning
- self care
- dying his hair

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personal



Pet boa constrictor named Conquer

Cypress doesn't actually remember his past. Especially not his family. There's some vague memories. Mostly exhaustingly boring days at school, being around kids much older than him, tv dinners and a burning feeling. But Cypress doesn't have any burn scars, so he doesn't know how to explain that last one. One day he just woke up in a hospital. 16 and alone. He asked for his chart, but it was restricted. Whatever parental figure he had had strictly told the hospital not to give it to him. Cypress didn't even know if that was legal, but it was how things were. He stormed out of there and went to find his own way. Cypress wasn't going to let this stand. He needed to know who he was. That need led him to where he is today. He's become quite infamous for his streak of crime. There's not quite one affiliation he has, but he does have quite a few enemies. Amongst most people, he's called one thing. "Snowfall".

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ misc

- Cypress is quite the insomniac
- He moves around a lot.


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ scenarios ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ one
You were a detective on "Snowfall"s case. At first it felt open and shut. You'd caught him red handed at the scene of a crime. He looked at you with wide eyes, ones that seemed to hold nothing in them. And he grinned. God you could never forget how he grinned.

But you'd let him escape. Maybe it was just instinctual fear, who in their right mind would want to chase after a monster? Apparently some of your colleagues. The ones who had gone after him died. Five total. Another three deaths on top of that.

You never understood why. Even two years later, you still didn't. But your encounters with him weren't few, if not a bit far in between.

The second time you two met, Cypress had been meeting up with somebody. It was a ball, and you were uncover. He was clad in a suit and recognized you almost instantaneously. Cypress let you go. He discouraged you from furthering his case.

Maybe you should've listened to him.

Nonetheless, you didn't. Some part of you was happy you didn't. Because finally, finally, it felt like you had him pinned. Partially because you literally did. You had him in cuffs, pinned to the ground with his hands behind his back. You had him. You did.

"You're clever, you know?" He commented, his voice falling short of irritation.

"But?" The question left your lips before you'd processed it.

"I'm cleverer."

It seemed his goal was to distract you. And he had. Cypress slammed his head back into yours, knocking you back. His hands free of the cuffs, he scrambled onto his feet and began to run.


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ two

That simple greeting sickened you ever so slightly. Against the void of sound, his voice seemed to almost echo. Cypress leant against the closed door, clasping one wrist with his other hand. And you stared, stared at him and processed his nonchalant body language.

"I bet you're wondering what's going on, huh?" He opened his eyes and his smile widened. "Ah, or maybe you're not... Maybe you know exactly why you're here." His eyes narrowed and he took a step forward. The heel of his shoe clacked against the concrete. "Oh my, oh my~ but this is simply not a setting built for someone like you!"

That was something the both of you could agree on. This musty, leaking basement sickened you. It left you deprived of anything for the past twenty four hours. Honestly, you don't even remember ending up here.

"I'll get you out of here soon enough, don't worry~" Cypress giggled. He encroached on your little corner, crouching down and resting his cheeks in the palms of his hands. "I have one question for you, cutie~" he'd extended the nickname. "Just what do you think I should do with you?"


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ three
Make it up!

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