Ch.15 Shit...

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*Your POV*


I heard Cry mumble at my feet. I looked down at Cry with a worried/panicked expression melted across my face. He looked back up at me and nodded reassuringly as he was slowly rising from the ground. One of my ankles was still held with a zip tie so I reached down and grabbed the scissors off the ground where Cry had left them and freed my other ankle.

I slowly tried to stand which was a HUGE mistake, my entire body ached and throbbed with pain. I lay on the floor and look up to see Cry and my dad pushing each other and going in for punches occasionally. Eventually my dad right hooked Cry in the face and Cry fell to the ground with a big grunt.

"No!" I screamed and again tried to get up. I struggled to my feet and fought the pain that was raging in my body.

I looked across the room and what I saw horrified me. My father was choking a very badly injured Cry against the hard cement wall. I clenched the cold scissors that I didn't even know I had picked up with me.

My eyes squinted and my jaw clenched with pure anger. I was no longer scared or sad I was just straight up pissed off! I ignored all of the pain that was surging through my veins and lunged through the air, scissors in hand , and pierced through my fathers back.

He screamed in agony and quickly jumped off of Cry.

"AHH! YOU STUPID BITCH!" He screamed while reaching for the blade in his back. I ran over to where Cry was just lying there.. Still... Not moving.. I knelt down to his chest to check for a heart beat.

Ok he's still alive but barely.. his breath is shallow and his pulse is faint but it's still there. I gently wrapped my hands around the back of his head and set it on my lap. I looked down at his bruised and bleeding face and began to cry.

This is all my fault I did this to him. None of this would have happened if I had just stayed home and not came here. it's all my fault that he is lying here almost dying.. I'm sorry Cry I'm so sorry..

A couple of my tears hit his cheeks, his eyes fluttered open slightly I could barely see that bright ocean blue color peeking out from behind his eyelids. He looked up at me and smiled.

His smile quickly faded into a scared look, his eyes got wide and his mouth opened slightly. I looked down at him confused and then I was suddenly ripped away from the boy I had grown to love. I got shoved up against the wall and two hands found there way to my throat and began to choke me.

I looked into the dark eyes of my attacker and saw the all to familiar green/blue eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes... This couldn't be true.. My eye sight began to fade from the lack of oxygen.

"Abby..." Was the last word I managed to get out before I slipped into complete and utter darkness.

Sorry it's a short sucky chapter but I just wrote it during class! I felt really bad about not being able to get you guys a new chapter so I was like you know what! I'm done with everything in this class anyway IMMA DO THIS SHIET!! Sooooo I did it and I hope you guys like it! I love chu!! Cx ❤️😘

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